Chapter 13

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

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A thick coat of sweat shone on my body as I ran faster on the treadmill. I had shut off my vampire instincts so that I could tire my body out because if I didn't I wouldn't have sweat at this very moment coating my body and I wouldn't have felt the need to drop.

It seemed stupid but it was the only way I could let out my own frustrations without going on a hunt. All because Cira and Staten wouldn't let me leave this God-damn house to find Xavier.

Over the last hour and a half both Staten and Cira had taken their time to try and check up on me but I refused to unlock the door or speak to them.

I was being childish I knew that, and it was wrong to ignore them when they were only trying to do what they thought was best for me, but I wasn't a little girl I could take care of myself, I could fight for myself and had been for months now.

Staten knew how strong I actually was and yet here he was forcing me to stay here because he didn't want me to go out in the world incase I got hurt.

The way I saw it they were being selfish and not caring for Xavier like they should have. There feeble attempts to try and get me to open the door and talk to them weren't going to work. If they wanted to talk to me so badly they were going to have to try harder and they were going to have to see this argument from my point of view.

This little spat didn't mean I was going to stop talking to them forever, I couldn't do that to them they were my family, but they were going to have to wait awhile before everything went back to normal.

The other thing was that if anything did actually happen to Xavier, there was no way that I would talk to them ever again. I wouldn't be able to forgive them for not letting me go out.

Hell I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for not fighting against them more.

I growled out in frustration as all these factors raced through my brain and I pushed myself harder on the treadmill.

My body aching but I tried to shut it out as best as I could, my body needed this. I needed to push myself even if it was to the point of exhaustion I needed to do this if I couldn't hunt.

I glared at the mirror in front of me seeing what I had seen a thousand times before. A girl with long brown hair and the same face that was once called perfect by Xavier. The only changes now was that this girl was stronger, her body was leaner with more muscle but not so that she looked like hulk, her curves were enhanced by the vampire gene and she had piercing violet eyes that replaced her old brown ones.

I glared at myself now determination shone in my eyes as I pumped my legs faster turning up the speed on the treadmill, the gears in the contraption groaned as they tried to keep up and I knew soon that Staten was going to have to buy I new treadmill because this one wasn't going to work for much longer. I felt anger in myself for not staying with Xavier, anger for not fighting against Cira and Staten, anger because I was officially a terrible mate for everything I had done to Xavier.

Everything that had happened to me in the last two years took over my mind and I was angry with myself. I was angry that I had let my parents die, that Xavier couldn't do anything to help them. Angry that I couldn't save my precious baby Leon, I was a terrible mother, for not being able to save the one thing that had ment the world to Xavier and I on that short amount of time, I was a terrible mate for leaving when I should have stayed and worked through the pain with Xavier especially because in that time he needed me we needed each other, but my stupid mind couldn't get over the fact that he had lied to me that night especially when I thought we had grown past keeping secrets from each other and the lying. That was why I had left and I hadn't been the same since.

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