🔮🦋Original Character: Ritsu Morohoshi🦋🔮

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First Name: Ritsu

Middle Name: Natalie

Last Name: Morohoshi

Nicknames: Ricchan (by everyone)

Age: Nine years old

Gender: Female ♀️

Pronouns: She, her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Length: Neck

Hairstyle: Short pigtails

Eye Color: Light Sky Blue

Eye Shape: Almond shaped

Skin Tone: Fair

Race: Caucasian

Species: Human

Height: One year younger than any of the characters and around the same age as the New Kid

Weight: 1.20 pounds

Nationality: Half Irish, half Russian, half British and half American

Religion: Christian

Birthplace: London, England

Former Residence: Ireland, Europe

Current Residence: South Park, Colorado

Date of Birth: July 23rd

Blood Type: AB+

Occupation: Student

Grade: 4th

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Likes: Her family, her friends, helping others, cute animals, nature walks, sunrise, sunset, stargazing, flowers, spices, herbs, popularity, attention, affection, sweets, candy, ramen, sushi, sewing, graphic designing, cosplaying, sports, playing video games or instruments, reading books, writing stories/novels, studying poetry, legends and myths, listening to music

Dislikes: Villains, sour food, dishonesty, bullies, thugs, liars, yelling, arguing, sudden loud noises, storms, worrying others, seeing people upset, large groups, talking in front of people, abusive people, neglectful people, drunk people, rude people, mean people

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, cooking, baking, sewing, graphic designing, cosplaying, gaming, reading, writing, listening to music, making blogs, creating music videos and remixes for a living, drawing, coloring, photography



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