Chapter 5 ~ Arrival of the Big Boi

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(I've been working on another side chapter but the Wattpad app is being dumb so it's making it 10x harder, that's why it's taking so long. Anyway enjoy, KAFKA ACQUIRED)

Stelle's Pov

Me and March just finished chatting with Asta about the events that took place on the space station.


An alarm sounded, it seems like it's coming from the big red digital Screen in front of Asta. On it something is being shown, Doomsday beast??
A giant dragon looking figure can be seen flying around the station.

"What, the Doomsday beast? This isn't good you guys head towards the express I'll stay here and deal with it myself!"
Asta, although panicking managed to order people to safety

"Wait we can help, we're not just going to leave you on your own"

I silently agreed with March before someone came up behind us and grabbed our hands, it was Dan Heng.

"It's best if we listen to her for now, call us if you need anything Asta"

At this point Himeko returned to the Master Control Zone and was updated on our situation, she agreed with Dan Heng.

"Just tell us when you're ready to leave"
The red haired woman then walked away

"Hey we should go find Ms.Lucia, she walked away earlier and I haven't seen her since." March said

"Does she not like you guys? Why is she always wondering off?" I asked

"I'm offended you would ask such a thing! She loves everyone on the express.................... Probably, she just has a different way of showing it and to answer your second question, she's always been reserved and quiet, even more than Dan Heng. I'm just going to assume she's not good at interacting with people because of her personality " March said

"Hmm ok then, let's go look for her"

March and Myself started wandering around the master control zone, I doubt she would have left. After around 7 minutes we found her.

"Ah, there she is! Ms. Lucia we gotta go, the Doomsday beast has appeared and Himeko has ordered us to get on the express.
Ms. Lucia? Hello Hello Hello!" March continues to taunt the unmoving figure

"Hey March look at her, she seems to be in some sort of trance. The veins on her arms are glowing yellow."

"Oh this happens often, I know exactly how to wake her up"

March proceeds to lift Lucia's arm and puts 2 fingers on her wrist directly on the glowing yellow veins.

I felt a shock wave come out of Lucia's body but it doesn't look like March noticed it
'Ow, my chest is burning, is this Stelleron thing reacting to what ever the hell that shock wave was?'

I take a glance down and notice that there's a faint yellow glow coming from my shirt, I quickly pull both sides of the jacket over one another before anyone notices.

I look up and see Lucia slowly starting to snap out of whatever weird trance she was in.

Lucia's POV

I slowly begin to open my eyes, I see March with 2 fingers on my arm and Stelle is ........ Glowing?

I blink once and it's gone
'Must've been in my head' I concluded, after all I just woke up from one of my cliche traumatic flashbacks that every main character must have

'hmm, why am I even thinking about that? Moving on'

I look up at the 2 girls in front of me

"What's happening? I heard something about the express and the Doomsday beast?" I asked

"Oh your finally awake, I thought I'd have to slap you! ITS A JOKE I WOULD NEVER ACTUALLY SLAP YOU, anyway to answer your question...."

After March's short freak out session, she proceeds to go over everything that's been happening while I was gone. I specifically hear the words 'Doomsday Beast'

"March did you just say Doomsday beast? As in one of followers of Nanook" I asked, if that's true we will have a huge problem on our hands.

"Yes that what I just said, Anyway Himeko wanted us to gather everyone so we can go to the express and flee. Those were Himeko's orders, you can even ask her your self"

I quickly motioned for the 2 of them to follow me, they agreed and ran behind me. I spot Himeko's fiery red hair in the distance and run towards her. She immediately noticed me running at her and turned around to talk with me.

"Ah, your here let's get going then"

"Wait are we seriously leaving the space station, The Doomsday beast is here and there's no way in hell the whole space station can deal with it on their own"

" I will explain everything on the way to the express but right now what's most important is getting there, let's go"

Without another word, the 5 of us start making our way back to the express, Himeko runs up to me and begins explaining.

" Welt will be arriving with the express soon and with it alongside Stelle, we should be able to fight it off. In fact that's why Stelle has to come with us" Himeko finishes explaining

"Is she really that important?" Dan Heng asks

"Well I could be wrong about this but the fact that Nanook has his divine gaze on her via the Stelleron, means there must be a reason. Perhaps he wanted a human with the strength of a Stelleron, either way I have a hypothesis.
If the Stelleron and the Doomsday beast can sync together then maybe we could use it's own power against it" Himeko says

( I can't remember what the exact conversation was so that's as close as I'll get)

"Hmm that's not a bad hypothesis, alright I agree with that but at anytime if something seems to be out of the ordinary, make sure to stop at once. We don't need someone to lose their Life over this." I respond in a serious tone

'messing with Nanooks power in any capacity is extremely dangerous, but then again if we don't take risks we will never find a way to stop it. I'll keep a close eye on Stelle to make sure nothing goes wrong'

{Time skip, 5 minutes ahead}

After dealing with all enemies in our path, we finally make it to the platform. Only theres no express to be seen

"Himeko what's going on" I asked

"It seems Welt is having some trouble because of the Anti-Matter Legion, but no worries he's just a bit late" Himeko didn't sound so sure of herself

3rd person POV

The group can be seen walking towards the very end of the platform, the cotton candy colored girl speeds up when all the sudden...............

A strong gust of wind makes them stop in their tracks, Himeko looks up at the never ending void and spots a figure of a dragon.

" The Doomsday beast, it's really here! Stay on guard everyone!"

Everyone pulls out their weapons in case of emergencies while March.....

"GET DOWN HERE" March demands, while pointing a frozen arrow towards the thing.

It surprisingly listens and plants itself on the side of the space station platform, the beast let's out a huge roar, everyone covers their eyes and when they open them, they can see an attack being aimed at Lucia.

( sorry this took so long, I don't know if I'm happy with the chapter but I'm posting it anyway)

Leave feedback and tips in the comments, I really need it


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