Chapter 3

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*My POV*

Jake and I listened to all the sounds around us, from cricking bugs to yowling in the distance. A gurgling sort of sound appeared on their side and Jake quickly turned, gun aimed up at the monkey like creatures. One stopped and stared down at us, while we looked back. The creature wasn't fuzzy, it had rubbery like skin, almost like their own, with four arms instead of two, and blue and yellow marks all over it's body. 

"Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." I explained quickly as the creature moved away. "Relax, Marine." Mom shoved the barrel of the gun down towards the ground. "You're making me nervous." 

"So, how will they know we're here?" Norm asked, the further we traveled into the trees. 

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." Mom answered him simply. Norm stopped and looked around. 

"Keep moving, Norm." Jake and I sighed. 

"Keep up, guys!" Mom called back to us as she walked ahead. "And here I go." Mom said, inserting a needle into the root of one of the trees they made a stop at, to collect data. 

*3rd POV*

Neytiri and Tsu'tey finally made their way through the great jungle, leaping up into a tree. The strange feeling felt comforting the closer they got. They jumped into the next tree, giving them a perfect view of the four Sky People Avatars, they kept a good distance to keep safely away just in case. 

They held their bows stead at their sides seeing two of the strangers with guns. But they noticed that one of the female Avatars were wearing Na'vi clothes. They looked around the four and smiled as they saw Grace. But they heard voices telling them they are not there for Grace. They looked back at the male and female Avatar with guns. They had yet to see their faces. They stood up and walked across the tree branches to try and get a better look. 

"Scanning." Norm stated, holding out his device. "Oh, wow! It's that fast?" Norm gasped in amazement. The tree roots were on screen, showing a budding life force that was flowing through each and everyone. 

"Amazing, isn't it?" Grace laughed. "So, that is signal transduction from this root to the root of the three next to tit. So, we should take a sample." She explained. 

"Okay. Sample." Norm agreed and began looking through his pack. 

Jake and Izzy sighed, they were bored, about three times as Grace had spoken. They started to walk away from the pair as they continued to talk about the life force of the tree. Neytiri and Tsu'tey watched the man and woman carefully and followed after them, staying out of sight. 

"You know, it's probably electrical." Norm pointed out. "Based on the speed of the reaction."

"Norm, you've contaminated the sample with your saliva." Grace sighed. 

"Oh, right." Norm's cheeks flushed.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey had gotten down from their tree and moved into the next one, being just a hair closer to them. They watched the strange newcomers, leave Grace and the other man she called Norm alone. Neytiri and Tsu'tey continued to stay hidden in the tree line, behind some thicker branches, watching them curiously.

As they waked and turned around a cluster of the trees. They managed to unknowingly give Neytiri and Tsu'tey a full view of their faces. 

Neytiri couldn't help but find herself admiring the man and Tsu'tey couldn't help himself from admiring the woman. Something about them seemed different to them than all the other Sky People, they had seen. Including Grace. Not to mention the fact, that Neytiri found the man cute and Tsu'tey found the woman cute in a strange sort of way. One that gave their stomachs butterflies, in a way Skylar and Ryan did not. They quickly shook away their thoughts and frowned.

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