05. One Failure Is Enough. . .

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chap 5. one failure is enough !

Ladybug swings the yo-yo behind her a little bit, and then aims it up to a tree brunch, as she held the string with one hand, and let herself get tugged up into the air. She completely forget about the tree, making her yelp in pain when her head rammed straight into the brunch on her way up.

Despite all this occurring Cat Noir was grinning like a dork, as his face held nothing but a dreamy look for the girl who had now disappeared into the night time sky, "Wow..."

"It's been a while since I smiled
and meant it."

A purple leaf was slowly descending in the air in front of him, as he raised one of his claws hands up to it gently, and touch the leaf fallen from the trees around him.

"Lately I guess I've just been searching for purpose for any incentive, to show
me just where I fit in."

He followed the leaf all the way up on a beam of the church building, as he walked along it carefully to balance, and felt the moon light shining down on his figure, reminding him of the two new females in his life.

"Then suddenly I'm flying through the night sky. The city lit up down below."

He danced a little along the higher ledges of the building, the reflecting purple windows right beside him as he reached the roof, and hanged off the pipe place there. He outstretched one of his arms out, almost like he was trying to reach someone.

"Watching and wondering and wanting to know, how far this adventure will go."

Leaping off the roof's ledge he landed with a thump against another roof, which was closer to the ground, and was an actual house now. A few cats were perched on it, as he gently picked one up to hold it up high, and span around with the animal briefly.

"Then she appears like a dream in a dream, and everything seems to slow down. She looks at me, smiles could this be
what it seems. My feet haven't
yet touched the ground."

Placing the cat back down in its original spot, he ended up standing around the ledge of another platform, as he held onto a beam with one of his hands, and once again outstretched the other one towards Paris' night time environment.

"And suddenly I feel so free, leaping through the city! I'm leaving all the pain for behind."

Cat noir somehow got up into the cloud above the city lights, and he now leapt through the fluffy things in a graceful movement, his mind being filled of thoughts about Ladybug and (Y/N).

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐄 , adrien agreste & catnoirWhere stories live. Discover now