chapter 2

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We see Y/n now, along with his best friend Jenny, enjoying their time together at a cafe. Y/n is currently drinking a cup of dark coffee, and Jenny.......well, nothing since she's a robot and all.

Y/n:Seriously though (leans back on chair), it must really suck not being able to enjoy food. You're really missing out, you know.

 You're really missing out, you know

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Artist credit:Dossio

Jenny:(shrugs) Eh! Food is overrated anyway. Besides, what would you do if you suddenly needed to use it while fighting a villain? Me on the other hand, I don't have to worry about that at all.

Y/n:Heh! You've got a good point there! But.....isn't charging yourself technically eating?

The boy questioned as the robot tried to answer, but as Y/n thought, his intrusive thoughts came along as well.

Jenny: Well, um, I actually don't know. Maaaaybe?

Y/n:......So do you have like a charging port-

Jenny:(blushing) Y-Y/n!

Y/n: What?! I'm just curious, okay?! These thoughts happen!

Jenny:Hmph! (crosses arms) Well, curiosity killed the cat. And I'll let you know that my bed replenishes my energy when I power off, or, as you would say, "sleeping".

The robot replied as Y/n sat there feeling stupid.

Y/n: Huh....No wonder I felt a shock or two whenever I sat on it. (Sips coffee and gags.) Gah! Nope, I'm not drinking this!

Y/n coughed as he sat the mug down and cringed from the bitter taste, like you would when you felt something crunchy in smooth peanut butter.

Jenny: (raises an eyebrow) Then why get it in the first place?

Y/n:I don't know! They always made it look so appealing on TV! But they lied to me!

Jenny:(stern)Well, then you shouldn't always trust everything they show you on TV. What are you gullible?But now that I think about it (smirks) you were always so gullible as a kid. I'm glad to see that hasn't changed.

Y/n:What?! I ain't that easy to fool!

Y/n said in offense as Jenny merely stared at him with an unimpressed look.

Jenny: (blunt) Mom said you literally wouldn't use the bathroom at night because some kid at school told you that you were going to get mauled to death by the boogeyman if you did.

Y/n: (blushes and turns away) H-Hey! I was a kid, and kids are dumb!

Jenny only laughed at the reaction as the blushing teenager, whose red face only got deeper from the remembrance of all the replaced bed sheets he went through during that time period, resurfaced.

Y/n: (blushing) Y-You done?

Jenny:hehe~Yeah sorry.

Y/n only huffed as he recomposed himself, all the while throwing the now-cold coffee away in the trash can.

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