One Night

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The club known as "One Night" is infamous for its dark pleasures and crazy fantasies. I went there out of simple curiosity, truly, because my friends enticed me.

"What do you think?" asked Martin, as he leaned down.

I swallowed thickly. "It's, uh, making me speechless."

He chuckled and patted my back. "Hey, man, of course it will. You're so vanilla that it makes me sick."

"Shut up, you BDSM dork." I laughed, elbowing his side. "This is new for me, okay?"

"Oh, I know!" he said loudly, then strode off. "See you later, I'm off to find a man."

I sucked in my bottom lip and glanced over at Tracy and Stacey, my other two friends. They were chatting up a built guy in red faux leather pants. Instead of socializing, I decided to slink off to a corner and bide my time until my friends were done. It was too nerve-wracking to be in here all alone.

I snagged a seat on a couch and sank into the plush cushions, but I rested my arms on the arm closest to me. I tucked my head down and ignored the sounds of whips, metal clangs, and moans. They were sounds that made me wince and cringe inwards.

Gosh, why did I come here? Martin was right. I'm too vanilla for this stuff.

"Oh? What do we have here?" murmured a smooth voice. "A lost puppy?"

I peeked at the owner of the voice, and my jaw would have dropped had it not been cradled in the crook of my left arm. The slim woman with curves made my hair stand on end and my core get tight. She was a stunner in all manners of speech. It felt like electricity had charged my system.

"Impressive," she purred, sashaying closer and bending down to stroke the curve of my jaw. "You've charmed me with your cuteness."

She had smooth, deep brown skin and full lips, curly brown hair in an updo, a slender neck, and a slim and sweet frame with long legs that ended with lovely feet in stiletto heels. The woman was wearing a super short, tight, faux leather dress that let the world know she was flat-chested with some muscle definition.

The back of her hand stroked my cheek and her fingers found my hair. I shivered from the sensation and allowed her to push my head back and bare my throat.

She chuckled. "You really are cute. Is this your first time here?"

"Mhm," I hummed, rolling my head to the side with each rub of my scalp from her fingertips. "I came with friends, but they dumped me to find someone."

"Then I guess I can say that I'm really lucky." she stated with a smirk, knocking my knees apart.

I bit my lip and trembled when her knee pressed against my crotch on the couch. She leaned over me, her faint cinnamon-honey scent wafting to my nose. My breath hitched and I squirmed away to sneeze.

My cheeks flushed when I relaxed because I noticed her knee again. The woman smirked.

"Even your sneezes are adorable." she commented, then moved away and held out her hand. "Come with me."

I sniffled and took her hand, already charmed by her sweetness. "Okay. What's your name?"

"My real name is a secret for now, but my work name is Angel." She smiled, leading me through the club. "What's yours?"



I blushed and ducked my head down, but I caught sight of a very round backside on my gaze's trajectory towards the floor. My face burned bright red.

Geez, what am I doing? I'm too vanilla for this heartthrob of a dominant woman.

Before I could even think about escaping, I was brought to a private room. The door closed behind me and I flinched when the door locked.

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