The Demon King's Companion

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The hand-basket gently swayed back and forth, but the small creature inside it was wondering how he got there. Two eyes stared at ivory-colored skin, curious as to why his arms tapered to gentle points. Of course, the small creature had opposable thumbs to pick up and hold onto things. His legs were mirror images of those odd arms, only if one excluded the thumbs. There was no need for them down below.

The creature noted that his body was soft and pillowy as he poked himself. It was rather strange to be a conscious being because he had no recollection of what he could have been in the past—if he had been anything at all.

A small mirror sat in the basket and delivered an image of the five-inch tall creature to himself. Through a passing thought, he considered his soft body like a marshmallow. But what was a marshmallow? The creature couldn't remember if he had known what it was at one point, just that he was something similar with arms and legs.

He had a face, although big blue eyes took up the most space on his overly large head. A small mouth revealed that he had teeth in the back, but not in the front. There was a pink tongue, too. No ears were in sight, but the creature did have a mop of silvery blond hair. It was awfully strange.

A sound that trilled a sweet tune caught the creature's attention. Since he had no fear or worry of whatever could be above the cloth covering his temporary home, the creature carefully stepped over various edible goods and arrived at the edge of the wicker hand-basket. He peeked out and saw greenery, flowers, and peace gradually changing into darkness, demons, and chaos farther down the pathway.

The cacophony of wails and terrorized screams coming from the inky blackness were neither pleasing nor troubling to the creature. However, that oddly sweet tune had not ended. The creature stuck more of his rather large head out from underneath the cloth to see what or who it was that made such a sweet sound.

The creature felt no surprise, but various questions rolled through his mind. Why was there a see-through figure carrying a basket? Was it a female or only a male just like him? But how did he know that he was a male? It could be merely an instinct, or perhaps some knowledge acquired from a past life?

The ghostlike person looked down and noticed the ivory-colored creature. It said nothing, which further deepened the creature's curiosity. Suppose it could only hum? How would it communicate to non-humming parties? Was there even a need for communication?

"I wasn't aware that I had a visitor on my journey home," murmured the ghostlike person, the tone curious and surprised. It sounded neither male nor female.

"Where are we?" asked the creature, somehow knowing he could speak. It was much too strange for him to think about. At least the ghostlike person could talk, which meant that some of his questions would be answered.

"We are nearing the veil between good and evil," it murmured, its voice a mere whisper compared to the tiny creature's volume. "My home is on that side."

It pointed to the darkness, which pulsed and thrummed with a different kind of energy in comparison to the grassy, rolling hills around them. The creature blinked and considered his next question.

"What and who am I?"

"I am not sure. Your appearance is very odd, but only you know who you are. So, who are you?"

The creature hummed in hopes of delving deeply into his thought process to pull a name out of a hat. But what was a hat? Should he be concerned that he knew words and phrases, but didn't know the meanings of some? Perhaps a "hat" didn't exist in this world, which was why he could not remember it.

Thankfully, a name did come to mind and that forced the creature to ponder over it for several minutes. The veil neared them, but the tiny creature was not concerned by it. If he had instincts, would he have turned tail and ran for his life? Wait, what was he doing again? Oh yes, a name—his name.

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