The final goodbye "fairwell, my dearest"

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"Darling, for once, in your life. Just listen to me. Please." He swallows hard. More tears flow. His heart is breaking. "I-" he tries to say again, but his voice catches in his throat. "D-Darling, I need you to understand. There's no other choice."

"I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. I'm sorry." He says

" this is really it? the very last time I'll see you?"  You reply

"Darling...yes, this...this is the last time you'll ever see me. I'm sorry." Ajax doesn't want to say those words. He doesn't want to hurt you. But he has to. There's nothing else he can do.

"Darling, I have to protect you. More than anything in the world. I-" Ajax's voice breaks again. "Darling...I-" You pull him into a kiss as tears stream down your cheeks onto his as you kiss him with every fiber of your soul this is it. This is really it. When you let go of him hes going to disappear forever. And you know it oh, how you wish you didnt.

Ajax closes his eyes, kissing you back with all his love and all his heartbreak. He doesn't want to open his eyes again. He doesn't want this moment to end but-

He pulls away and lets go of you. His hands run through your beautiful hair one last time. His lips come close to your ear and he whispers, "I love you, Darling. Thank you for everything."

He backs up, out of your reach, and watches as you stand up, wiping his tears from your face and cheeks. He smiles at you, his heart breaking. "Darling..."

"...fairwell my dear" you mutter sobbing into your hands as you hold both of your's son in your arms your son who is  going to grow up without him when you tell him tales of his father as he grows older they'll have no meaning. Nothing. The person most dear to you will be nothing in your sons eyes.

Ajax looks at his son, the most precious human in the world. The only human that could ever truly know him. The thought that your son will never know his father shatters him beyond belief.

Ajax tries to speak but his voice is almost gone. His voice cracks as he says, "Darling, please. Don't let our son forget me." He looks at your son. "You hear me bud, always remember me. Your father. Please. Don't let me fade away." You look up at him "...ajax" is all you can utter

Ajax doesn't know what to say. This is worse than any hell he's ever known. He wants to stay so badly. He wants to run away with your son and you. He wants your son to know him. To grow up with you two. He wants your son to call him "daddy", to be able to call you "darling" and to know what it's like to be loved by his two favorite people in the world. But it can't be like that. It has to be this way.

"Darling, you promise. Please. Promise me." He pleads " you really have to go forever? Surely you can come back one day..." you say choking back tears

Ajax looks at you with sorrow-filled eyes. It breaks his heart to see you cry. "Darling, I..." he trails off. "There's...there's no other option, I'm sorry. I-" he tries to find something to say. Anything that would make you stop crying. "Darling, even if I could come back, you don't want me to. The danger, the hurt, the pain-"

"You need to move on. And I can't be there for you." Ajax pauses and looks at his son again, trying to fight back tears.

"Move on...? Ajax you've been married to me long enough to know that is far too impossible. If there's even the slightest chance you might come back one day....I'll wait for you even if you tell me there isnt i will be waiting for you, forever." You replied

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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