Chapter 10

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Carter went up to a royal guard and whispered something in his ear, after which he ran forward and returned after 15 minutes or so and asked both of them to follow him.

As Sia was walking through the long hallway leading to the courtroom of the palace of Uroma, she could not help but gape at the place. The hallway had intricate carvings on both walls. Pieces of cloth were draped in the shape of archways. And there were many plants lined against the yellow walls of the palace.

When Sia entered the courtroom along with Carter, she could hear the guards and the servants whisper.

"Is that Prince Carter along with the new girl?" asked one person.

"Yes, it is. Why did they come together?" asked another.

"They must be together. Maybe she is the first consort to the 3rd Prince. It was about time he got himself one." A servant said.

Hearing their words, Sia could feel heat rushing to her cheeks. She must have been blushing. But luckily, the royals didn't seem to notice.

The King was sitting on the biggest throne with his queen beside him in a bit smaller throne. Beside the king and queen were smaller thrones also raised a bit, in which the princes and the princess were sitting. One throne was empty though. Sia thought that it must have been Prince Carter's.

"Greetings father," Carter spoke to his father with respect.

"Stand, my son. Tell me what brings you here? You should be looking for the lost princess," the king spoke.

"Father, we are starting the search from the kingdom of Forlight by consulting the Laira. But to enter, we must bring Rom the monkey two things. One of those things is a pitcher to host the ever flowing water from Uroma. This is why we are here."

"Very well. Guard, bring me the pitcher gifted to me by Anatek."

Hearing this order, one of the guards rushed inside through another hallway. He returned after roughly 15 minutes along with a beautiful pitcher made of an ivory white material with intricate geometrical designs. The guard handed it to Carter.

"Take this son, and go to the waters of Pond Daimel and fill it with ever flowing water and leave." Saying this, the king dismissed them and they left.

"That was quite easy, don't you think?" Sia asked Carter.

"It was. It is rare for father to help anyone, even his own children, so easily. Usually, we must prove ourselves. He must have been in a good mood," Carter replied.

After walking for a while, they reached near the bank of Pond Daimel. It seemed to never finish. The water in it was crystal clear, shimmering as the sun's rays hit it. Carter filled the pitcher and they walked away.

As they were walking, Sia glanced at Carter. Instead of the usual shine in his eyes, he had a sad gleam in them.

"What is wrong?" she asked him, a bit worried.

"Nothing. I don't want to bother you with my problems," he replied.

"Well, trust me, I won't be bothered. Maybe by telling me, we can find a solution together?"

At this, Carter turned to face Sia. Sia once again felt that she could get lost in those piercing blue eyes the colour of the sky. They were inches apart. At first, she thought that she had upset him somehow, but when she saw a smile form in his lips, she relaxed.

"The kingdoms of Eden and Uroma have always been great allies. My father wanted to strengthen this by getting me married to one of their princesses. Princess Primrose is too young for marriage which just leaves Princess Deor. But I don't love her. This keeps bothering me," he replied, clearly unhappy about this arrangement.

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