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Me and Harry have been together for a year now and I couldn't be happier.

He's auditioning for the x-factor today. I'm super excited for him, he's definitely gonna get in.

A week later

Harry got in!!!!
I'm so happy for him, he did so well and I knew from then that he would become the best artist the world has ever seen!

He's supposed to live in the x-factor house for a while so I won't see him but that's okay because I can still call with him!

Four days later

I've called with Harry twice since he moved into the house and I noticed that he only called me mate while on the phone, which I thought was pretty weird but I moved past it.

A month later

Unfortunately, Harry didn't win, but he did get in third! I'm still so proud of him and he even gets to sign a deal with Simon to make more music!

Three days later

Simon called me and Harry into a meeting today.
He said that we can't be a couple publicly. We yelled at him and called him nasty fucking names that I won't say out loud to anyone (unless it's that useless prick you might call Simon).

But since Harry had already signed the contract, we couldn't do anything about it.

I had to live as his best friend until they were certain that we could come out safely. (At least that's what they promised).

For the next two years I was given a girlfriend named Eleanor so that suspicions about Harry and I's relationship wouldn't be released.

But, I couldn't take it anymore, so I broke up with him.
I couldn't live with all the meetings and screaming sessions between us and Simon.
I couldn't bear going out in public with that girl everytime someone said something about Harry and I.

We had already gotten all our tattoos so I guess that's the one thing that would keep us connected but whatever.

It was tearing me apart having to break up with him but I knew it was the best for both of us.

A couple months after we broke up I started playing covers in a little cafe in Doncaster.

I was discovered by a small record company based in London and I have been making music ever since.

Harry and I haven't crossed paths or talked to each other in a while and I truly miss him but I know it's for the best.

Articles started circulating saying that me and Harry weren't friends anymore and that we had a fight and hated each other. Partly true but also completely wrong.


It's been five years now since we broke up.
My music career has stayed where it has been for a while. Not very famous but famous enough. Just where I want it to be.

Harry disappeared. He hasn't been in any news articles in about a year. (not that I'm checking every day. I would NEVER do that).

I miss him.

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing tbh
I Just Had This Really Cool Idea And I Figured That I Could Try To Write Something Off It.

Idk if it's gonna be long or not but hopefully I can finish it.

This is also my first book so idk what's gonna happen.

I love you
Eat well
Sleep well
Drink enough water
Take care of yourself

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