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As Niall finishes saying that, the lights turn down and the crowd starts to scream

The snare rumbles and blue lights turn on and it takes a while before a black figure appears on stage.

He turns around and starts singing. He is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. But something about him is really familiar.
He's got hair down to his shoulders and he's wearing really tight black skinnies and a tight black t-shirt.

'She's an angel,
Only angel,
She's an angel,
My only angel'

The whole crowd is singing along and I try to keep up as he keeps singing.

'Told it to her brother and she told it to me
That she's gonna be an angel just you wait and see'

As he finishes up the song he grabs a guitar and walks to the guitarist and whispers something to him, in which he laughs at.

Some of these songs won't be Harry's)

'I've rejected affection for years and years
Now I have it and damn it
It's kind of weird,
He tells me I'm pretty
Don't know how to respond
I tell him that he's pretty too
Can I say that? Don't have a clue'

I sway to the music as Niall is singing along.
I still find something so familiar about him, I can't stop staring at him.

'What if he's the last one I kiss?
What if he's the only one I'll ever miss?
Maybe I should run, I'm only twenty-one
I don't even know who I want to become'

I finally realize who I've been staring at.

It's Harry.

My Harry.

It can't be.

He looks so...

'The first one to ever like me back
I'm seconds away from a heart attack
How the hell did I fall in love this time?
And honestly, I can't believe I get to call you mine
I blinked and suddenly
I had a valentine

He finishes the song and I still stare at him in awe.
I can't believe he's changed this much.

He starts talking into the mic.
And oh fuck. His voice is so deep.

As you all might know, I'm Harry'

The whole crowd cheers and i zone out.
I can't believe he's standing 50 feet from me.

'I wrote most of this album when I was seventeen, so most of it was pretty romantic and hormonal' he chuckles and GOD his voice is so beautiful now.

Niall taps on my shoulder and says, 'mate you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.'

I respond back quickly, 'yeah I'm fine, just surprised'

Niall raises his eyebrows and looks back at Harry who's now starting another song.

The music he played was so perfect.

As another song in the set starts to play he grabs the mics and walks towards the edge if the stage where there are girls reaching for him.

'Oh, so you do have a type?
And it's not me
Oh, so you can reply?
Just to not me
If you wanted brown eyes
I could've got contacts'

Zayn and Liam disappeared a while ago. Probably to go to some club.
Niall is crying and he has a hot dog in his hands.
'Where the hell did you get that'
I ask him

'Concessions, I was really hungry.'

'She looks nothing like me
Can't really tell, should I be
Tryna take it as a compliment?
It's kinda feeling like the opposite
She looks nothing like me
So why do you look so happy?
Now I think I get the cause of it
You were holding out to find the opposite'


Did he write this about me?

That took way longer than expected lol
I hope you like it so far
Love you

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