Part 2

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Raya's room
Ram priya & pihu are sleeping

Raya's roomRam priya & pihu are sleeping

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Alarm ring priya opened her eyes & off it
Priya get up from bed & went to washroom get ready & went to ram's side sat there whispered in his ears
P :ram ram get up get wake up
Ram turned & hugged her
R : priya 5mins
P :no
R :pls
P :no
R :okay
P :then get up
Ram opened his eyes look at priya & hide himself in her embrace
Priya smiled & kissed his forehead
Ram got up from bed went to washroom
That time priya went to shubhu's room
P : shubhu wake up
Shub:bhabhi pls 5mins
P :no
That time ram also came there & saw it & take a picture of that & went to inside
R :shubhu get
Shubhu get up from bed lazily
P : go get ready
Shubhu nodded happily
& went to get ready

Raya's room
Raya sat beside pihu & started waking up her
Pi :mummaa
P : pihu we have to go to usa right
Pihu jerked from sleep & jumped in her bed happily
Ram & priya smiled then priya make pihu ready
Then they came to downstairs & saw adi bri, shubhu, shivi, akki, are running behind angad
Angad saw raya & pihu
Angad run towards priya & hide behind her
P : angad why are you running
An : badema they are trying me to wear that dress i don't like that one
P :bri give him his favourite tshirt
Angad hear it & jumped happily & go with bri
Then all get ready
They all arrived airport & saw media
All got out from car
Adi bri & angad walk firstly with guards then akki, shivi & shubhu

Ram noticed priya's nervousness
Ram held priya from her shoulders & picked pihu in his arms & walked to airport
Media:sir pls stop we need a photo, sir, mam, sir, mam

They went inside the air port
After sometime they went inside flight

After 15 hrs they arrived at USA
Then they get out from airport went to their resort they all were tired so they decided to sleep

In raya's room
Pi: mumma this room is beautiful.
Priya & ram smiled at her

P : pihu its time to sleep so that we can explore usa tomorrow
Pihu heard that & jumped to the bed
Ram & priya also join in the bed with pihu

Ram & priya hugged her & went into a deep slumber

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