Part 7

183 11 3

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Mature content ahead

Morning 7:00am

At Kapoor Mansion

Raya 's room

Ram is the first one who woke up & he saw the most beautiful sight his lady love his everything is sleeping peacefully in his arms he kissed her cheeks, nose, forehead then he went washroom to get fresh up when he came he saw her sitting in the bed wearing his shirt
R : priya i think you should wear my tshirts in our room because you are so hot
P : raaaam
Ram came closer to her & look deep into his eyes & priya's pregnancy hormones started & she can't control priya kissed ram on his lips he held her waist & deepen the kiss she held his collar
Kiss was slow one but last turned into wild & ram feel priya gasping for breath he left her lips & came to her neck started placing sloppy wet kisses & he held him from his hair then he move on to her collarbone & bite there she moaned his name & he started to unbutton her shirt & he throw it in the floor & make her lay & started to kiss her cleverage then he move onto her femin region that priya started to unbutton his dress & he removed his last piece of cloth & ram look into her eyes & asked priya are you? Priya i am ready ram to be yours then ram kissed her forehead.
He spread her legs & positioned himself over her & slowly entered her ram she moaned & he started to thrust faster
They become one again & his thrust become jerky & he let out a roar & came to climax after released inside her & her legs slipped from his torso & ram feel on priya's chest breathing heavily priya hugged him & kissed his forehead then ram thought she is pregnant i should'nt sleep on her he moved but priya held him & said raam
Ram look at her that time priya came top of him & started to bite his neck ram hissed in pain she kissed him ram moaned
R : don't play with me biwi
P : i will patidev
She hold his shaft & put it inside her & he hold her hips & they made love again
Last thrust they together moaned loudly & priya feel on ram's chest breathing heavily ram hugged her & kissed
R : priya did i hurt you
P : no ram
R : we need to sleep for sometime
Priya nodded & ram hugged her tightly & she closed her eyes & they went into deep slumber

Precap : mood swings

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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