Won't get fooled again

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"Pipe bombs

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"Pipe bombs. Packed in cardboard boxes."
Derek says, handing Gideon photos.
"Package bombs." Hotch says.
"Sent through the mail?" Gideon asks.

"No. The other picture in your hand is of the switch that ATF found." Derek says.
"Same mechanism for both bombs, mercury activated."

"What does that mean?" Elle asks.
"There are contacts on a denotator on either end of a bent tube full of mercury." Spencer says.

"What it means is all you have to do is tilt the package to detonate it." Derek says.

"Strange way to commit an act of terrorism...Why go to all this trouble to kill just a few people?"

"Let's recommend not raising the terror alert level for now...No reason to spread panic." Gideon says

"We got news This is just a local channel, but the coverage is everywhere now. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera, you name it." JJ says
"So much for not spreading panic." Hotch says.

"According to doctors, he's badly injured, but in stable condition in the ICU. Now, neighbors say that they heard a blast at about 10:30 this morning, and police arrived..." The reporter

"If DHS doesn't raise the terror alert now, they'll look weak." Gideon says.
"Make sure Homeland Security knows that this is everywhere." Hotch says.

"Looks like we're going to Palm Beach....Let's meet at the airstrip in 20."

"Bombings occurred within three miles of each other. First victim was a 74 year old widow, Barbara Keller, Uh, two hours after that, Clurman got hit in his driveway. And forty-five minutes later... well, we all saw that."hotch said

"Jill Swenson, 34 year old housewife who lived across the street from Clurman. Of the three, only Clurman survived." Sam says

"Is there any connection between the victims?"
Spencer asks.

"One. Clurman was a partner in a $10 million condo development deal in which Keller was an investor, and a few weeks ago, the whole deal went bust." Hotch says.

"Went bust how?" Elle asks.

"Geologists discovered that the land was on methane, the condos never got built, the land became worthless, and, uh, Clurman lost a lot of people a lot of money." Sam says

"So maybe one of them had enough to take aim at Clurman." Spencer says.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's a little too early to theorize about motive." Gideon says.
"Then where do we start?" Elle asks.

"From the beginning. What do we know about bombers?" Gideon asks.

"Mostly male, loners, history of criminal activity. About 50% of all bombings are actually the product of vandalism." Spencer says.

"And more often than not, bombers end up accidentally blowing themselves up, so the first suspects you always look for in a bombing case are the victims." Hotch says.

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