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"Reid failed his qualification

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"Reid failed his qualification." Elle says.

"He can re-test in two weeks." Gideon says.
"Yeah, but he's gonna be embarrassed about it.
So let's not mention it." Elle says,
"Yeah, let's not, huh?" Gideon says
"Not a word." Derek says.

"Hey...We're all here for you...I'm serious, If you ever need anything.." Derek says

"Omg" Sam says

"Hey, Franklin Park, Des Plaines. Yesterday afternoon. Three victims shot at distance..It's the third such shooting in two weeks." JJ says
"A sniper?" Elle asks.

"We don't use that word." Derek says.
"Why not?" Elle asks.

"The public perception is that the FBI doesn't have an exemplary record with snipers." JJ says.
"Besides, a sniper is a professional marksman.
These guys aren't snipers." Hotch says.
"What do we call 'em them?" Elle asks.

"L.D.S.K." Hotch says.
"Long distance serial killers." Sam says
"How many of these guys have we caught using a profile?" Elle asks.

"None." Sam says

'Two weeks, three shooting incidents, six victims, all shot in the abdomen. First and only fatality, Henry Sachs, married, father of three, shot in a shopping center parking lot." Hotch says,

"Nine days later, Dough Miller and Kevin Parks were playing basketball at a community center, Franklin Park, four days later, Jerry Middleton, Kate Murray, and Tim Reilly, Des Plaines police have found no link between any of the victims." Hotch says.

"Ballistics?" Derek asks.
"He's using frangible rounds, which fragment on impact, making ballistics comparisons impossible." Hotch says

"The good news is that all the park victims are gonna make it, The bad news is that none of them saw anything. However, one of the patients does have an intact bullet lodged in" JJ says

"What's the prognosis?" Gideon asks.
"Well, there's disagreement among surgical staff is to whether they can remove the slug without paralyzing the patient." JJ says.

"Well, without a useful witness or a solid piece of forensic evidence..." Derek says
"The profile's all we'll have." Hotch says.


"Agent Hotchner." A woman says

"Detective Calvin. This is Agent Morgan, Agent Reid, and Agent Sam park." Hotch says

"Thanks for coming. Follow me, The cones mark the place where the victims were." The woman says

"So we know he fired somewhere from this area.
Close enough to hit all three victims, but far enough away not to be seen." Hotch says.

"His wounding his victims intentionally would classify him as a sadistic killer. " Spencer says.
"That would help us?" Calvin asks.

"We know a lot about sadists. But most want to be close to their victims to watch them suffer."
Derek says.

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