Chapter Eleven

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Wednesday looked up at Xavier with wide, teary eyes. He swore he could feel his heart breaking. "You don't have to answer that, sweetheart. If you don't want to then I won't push."

She sniffed and shook her head, clambering out of his arms so they could face each other. "When we were in Nevermore, I had a suicide attempt." She sighed and picked at her nail.

Had she really?? 

"My parents knew that it wasn't just me being weird at that point and it was serious. So they decided to have us move to a place where I could get really good treatment. Which, if I'm being honest, the therapy just made things worse." She sighed and began fiddling with the frayed end of her skirt. "That's why we moved. My parents wanted the best for me, and we couldn't find that where we were, and it was just to far from Nevermore to keep going to school there." 

Xavier nodded. He felt terrible. 

"And I didn't want you to be under the pressure of a suicidal girlfriend, with my pre-existing psychotic behavior." She shrugged.

Xavier smiled sadly at her and ruffled her hair. "Baby, I want to try and help you stop. No more running away, alright?"

She nodded and crawled into his lap. Her small body curled up and he held her tightly. Every few minutes he'd give her a soft forehead kiss. 



"Did-Did you ever hate me? You know, for leaving on such short notice?" 

He bit his bottom lip and furrowed his brows, trying to come up with the right answer. 

"No, no. I never hated you. I was mad at you for quite some time, sure, but everyone's mad at their ex a little bit after a break up. No, I never hated you. I care about you to much to hate you." He softly reached over and squished her cheek, as the other was pressed flat against his chest.  

"Y-You promise?" A single tear slid out of her eye. He kissed the tear and then kissed her forehead. 

"Yes baby, I promise." 

She nodded softly and attempted to bury herself further into his chest. He chuckled and moved them so he could lay on the headboard and she was on top of him. 

He softly brushed her bangs and looked down at her. She looked back up at him, and softly whispered "Thank you." before closing her eyes and falling asleep. 


She woke up to Enid shaking them awake. "I'm not sure what happened last night, but y'all really slept in the same bed? On top of each other?" She wasn't mad, and excitement laced the girls voice. 

Xavier groaned. "Enid, it's to early." Wednesday nodded in agreement and shoved her face into his chest. She felt him wrap his arms protectively around her. She ignored Enid and Xavier's conversation and tried to will herself to fall asleep. 

Finally Enid left. Xavier raised her head with a finger under her chin. "Hey you." 

She scowled at him and groaned, wrapping all her limbs around him and hugging him tightly. 

"C'mon, we have to go eat breakfast. Enid made waffles- I can smell them."

She nodded softly before looking at him. "Xavier?"

He nodded. "When I was gone, were there-were there any other girls?" She seemed scared of his answer.

He gently kissed her cheek. "Nope." He told her, popping the "P" (I wrote that as pooping the first time...???)

She nodded and got up, before walking to the bathroom to do her braids. 


Breakfast wasn't as awkward as dinner the night before had been. Everyone seemed comfortable talking. Xavier still told her sternly to eat, but other than that it felt like any normal breakfast.

When she finished half a waffle, she got up and threw out her extra quarter, before she began washing off her dish. Xavier came up behind her and softly turned her around. He removed the dish from her hand and placed it in the sink. 

"Hey, listen, I know you've been having trouble eating lately, but I'm proud you're still doing it." 

She smiled softly at him, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "T-Thanks." 

He chuckled at her embarrassment and ruffled her hair. "I'm serious, I'm proud of you."

He kissed her cheek before moving on to the sink. "I'll clean your dish, you can go get dressed and brush your teeth."


Wednesday stared at herself in the mirror, looking down at the scars on her arms, eyes traveling to the new cut, still glistening slightly in the bathroom lights. "No, no, no, fuck no!" She whispered. 

Why had he taken the fucking razor?!

Her chest started to feel heavy, and her ears began ringing on and off. Her vision hurt. She curled and leaned against the sink's base. Tears streamed out of her eyes. 

Her arms starting tingle, as though they were telling her "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" 

She covered her ears in hope of blocking out the obnoxious ringing, but no such luck. 

She was trembling now, shaking, and covered in a thin layer of sweat. 

Her heart was pounded and her stomach was twisting. 

There was a knock at the door and Xavier's voice floated through the door. "Hey Nes, you in there?"

She whimpered and flinched. 

"Fuck." He hissed. He'd heard her. He quickly grabbed a key from on top of the door frame and unlocked the bathroom door. He opened it and found her whimpering on the floor. 

"Hey, hey. Deep breaths honey, deep breaths." He told her, showing her how to breath slowly as he made opening and closing motions with his hands. 

Her breathing calmed down slowly as he stroked her hair. 

"Hey baby." His eyes were full of worry. Was this baby thing permanent?  

Her bottom lip quivered as she started crying. "Alright honey, I've got you." He wrapped her in his arms and carried her out of the bathroom. He softly placed her on her bed. He kept his arms wrapped around her, and softly whispered "Shh, Wednesday, I've got you baby. I've got you."

And she fell asleep, wrapped in his arms. Again.


(Fuck this chapter is long)

Wednesday watched the news, a cup of tea in her hand, as Xavier for some strange reason was out of coffee. 

"Hi cutie." He giggled, giving her a wink. She raised an eyebrow. 

He came over and sat next to her, pulling his phone out. She grabbed it out of his hand. He looked at her in confusion, but made no moves to grab it back. She placed it carefully on the table, next to her tea and softly climbed on top of his and kissed him. 

Fuck, he hadn't kissed her in years. 

And yet their mouths still connected in a way he'd always get renewing shock from. He softly wrapped his arms around her waist as she softly bit his bottom lip. 

She wrapped her legs around his waist and he smiled softly. He slid their tongues together, and he hadn't realized how much he'd truly missed her until now. 

She softly pulled away, panting. He laid a kiss on her forehead. 

"You want something to eat?" Xavier asked her. 

She looked him dead in the eye and responded "Yes, and I will actually eat it."

He smiled softly and kissed her. "That's my girl."


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