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The country of Callisto is one of the strongest nations to ever live, the ranking system of Callisto is a bit different from the rest of the 7 nations.

In Callisto we have people who come from different backgrounds who have the following attributes: influential families, wealth and who can attend social events are called The Upper Class.

Then there are people who are higher than the Upper Class, our council who take care of Callisto. They have the authority of a royal family but they are simply a council made up of one of the 3 most influential families of all time.

1.The Callisto family was known to be one of the most vicious, greedy and dangerous families, the public isn't exactly in their favor.

2.Then we have the Capulet family, who were more of the supporting family for the Callisto's, they'd side with them whether they were right or wrong, the public did not favor them either as they made poor decisions to society.

3.Then we have the Sinclair Family, who was fair in their word, helped society and the public favor more, although they should be favoring the Callisto's, they saw the Sinclair's through their actions and not fear.

However this is not the story of Callisto's history, this is the story of a girl named Lunaria.

This girl was in a nation far away from Callisto called Mildred. This country had some ties with Callisto however it was one of the 8 nations that were peaceful and wasn't bothered in politics.

Lunaria and Lillianna are runaways who could barely survive on food. Their lives were miserable but it was for the best. 

Anything to get away from him.

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