Chapter 5

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When they were there, the women parked their cars and they with children came out of cars. Then they walked into the house. Holly's house was very modern and cosy. Cady looked all around it and she was really delighted. 

- Wow! - she signed. - You have a very beautiful house. 

Brandon smiled. 

- Thank you. Let's go to my room. I'll show you my toys. - he suggested. 

- Oh, that's great! Come on! - she said. The boy and the girl, excited, took off their jackets and their shoes and ran upstairs. Holly and Gemma laughed happily. 

- They're almost like brother and sister, aren't they? - Holly asked. Gemma nodded. 

- Yeah. What about this strawberry cake?

- Oh. It is ready. Sit on the sofa, I'll bring it in a second. 

- Allright. 

In the heat of conversations, none of them noticed the door from Gemma's car opening and the doll coming out of it. With a murderous look, M3GAN walk closer to the forest, waiting for the perfect moment to lure Brandon into the deep. She knew that she was only doing what's best for herself and, most importantly, for Cady. She was the only one the girl could be safe and happy with. 


When Cady and Brandon reached the boy's room, they entered it. Cady was really delighted. 

- Woah! I wish I've had a room like this. - she noticed football on boy's room wall and on shelfs. - Are you interested with football? - she looked suprised. Brandon came to her, looking proud, but also ashamed. 

- Yeah. I know that're not unique interests... 

- No, no, no, it's allright. It's okay. I can't play football, but... my dad had the same wall tapet and balls... I took some of them with me when I was moving to Aunt Gemma and... they remind me of him. 

Brandon looked at her knowingly with a small smile. 

- So you don't forget him? - he wanted to make sure. The girl looked at him too and smiled back. 

- Yes. I needed to keep some memories. 

The boy nodded. 

- I understand. Your dad would be proud of seeing his orphened daughter remembering about him. 

A few tears ran down the girl's cheeks again. She weeped them away immediately. 

She nodded too. They were staring to the balls and wall for a longer while. Suddenly they heard Holly's voice from downstairs. 

- Brandon! Please, go water the flowers in front of the house! 

- I'm coming, mom! - Brandon turned to Cady once again. - My mom wants me to water our flowers. If you want, you can come and help me. By the way, I'll show you how beautiful they are. 

Cady thought for a moment. 

- Maybe later. I like watching things connected to football. I want to remember my moments with Dad. - she explained. Brandon understood. 

- Okay. I'll be back in a sec. Do you want me to close the door? 

- No, it can be open. 

- See ya' later. 

- See ya'. 

When Brandon walked out of the room, he smiled once again because of having a friend like Cady. Then he walked downstairs to do what Holly asked of him, quickly come back, and contunue to do cool things with the girl. He couldn't wait until he'll tell her all his story with football and show her some cool books he has. For a split second he thought he never want to loose Cady. 

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