The fall of the two lords

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The year is 1436 , Amaras is travelling to Boem.Today is the eighth of September.I'm writing this in the captain's diary because King Saeno ordered me to make a detailed report.Ah what boredom it is to sit behind this desk while Fori is behind the rudder.I want to get up and get the boys in order but I'm here.The quartermaster thought to himself and reached out.

" How are you feeling , you walking dead man. "

Said the demon , turning to the captured captain that he is leading to the two Lords.

The captured captain rose his head and looked at the quartermaster through the metal grilles of his cell.He grabbed two of them and squeezed them.The captain was looking at the quartermaster as if he would kill him which made the demon laugh at him.The demon turned to the captain's diary and continued to write what was happening by the beginning of the night until he got up and left the captain's cabin.The quartermaster climbed the bridge and stood by Fori.He placed a hand on the young demon's shoulder and asked him how was he and the ship.The young demon told him that today the time was a bit of windy , which helped the paddlers rest a few hours more.The quartermaster stared at the night sky , and focused on the constellations , then confirmed that they were moving in the right direction.Fori squeezed the rudder and turned it slightly to the side because a whale came in front of them , his tail nearly hit them while crashing close to the ship and made the water scatter through the deck.The Quartermaster shouted at the top of his voice , calling the crew to clear the pool of water on the deck.

" I've been waiting all day for this.. haha it's nice to be back where I belong. "

Said the quartermaster under his breath.

Fori focused on his path forward and ignored the rest of what happened next.Four hours later the young demon saw the sun appear on the horizon , he leaned against the wheel and propped a part of the handles arranged at the ends like a ring with a small stump against the rope on the right.The young demon took two steps back and sat down on the wooden floor.Not long after , the captain came out of his cabin and boarded the mystic , he stood behind the wheel and removed the small stump.The captain turned to Fori and told him that he had done well , and that he could return to the crew compartment.Fori stood up slowly and began to descend the steps when from the small basket above the mast the two demons who watch for land or enemy ships called out.

" Land on the horizon! Boem! We're coming to Boem! "

Shouted the two demons.

" Boem?! Oi dipshits! Get ready! "

The quartermaster called excitedly.

He ran to the hold and checked on the oarsmen , then returned to the deck and entered the captain's cabin.The quartermaster reached the captured captain's cell and barged in on him.

" We arrive at your continent dead man. "

Said the demon and laughed like crazy.

He pounded on the bars of the cell and opened the door , reached for the captured captain and pulled him out , then grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out of the captain's cabin.Already outside , the quartermaster pushed the hostage to the bulwark and stood next to him saying: " Do you see this , captain , this is where you were born and this is where you will die.It may be a small consolation for you ... but it's still something." The captain at the wheel turned it to starboard beginning to prepare for docking.The ship glided slowly to the dock and three demons of the crew dropped the anchors of the massive Amaras.The quartermaster handcuffed the hostage and wrapped a thick chain around his waist.He grabbed one end and told him to start walking.The two of them went down to the dock , the port workers gave them curious looks but the helmsman continued to walk forward , pulling the hostage by the end of the chain.They reached a nearby sign , the demon read what it said on the medium sized arrows and turned left.

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