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"Kookeee hurt???" jin asks looking at jungkook's bandaged wrapped hand...jin cares his hands softly.....
"Feeling pain??" seokjin asks with his baby voice..looking at his doe eyes.... Jungkook's heart started melting with it..

"No jineee...taehyung hyung took a good care of it"

"Bad taehyung? "

"No jinneeee....don't say that about him..he is good"

"But he is rude to me kookeee!"

"He will not... I will talk to him...okay?"

"Jin hyung...thank you for coming back...though i didn't expect that you will come back  "jimin says while fixing jin's hair ...

"i was missing kookeee and bitch told me to go to my husband...and if become late then kookeee will leave me...so i wake up Early and didn't even take my breakfast jimineee...can you please give me some food?i am hungry! "

"I am taking your breakfast jin hyung... Sit there.. I am coming with your food. "

Jin gets up from the kitchen station and going to the dinning table... But one think catches his attention.. His bracelet that he have given to his husband, his kookeee.. That was under the table...

He hurriedly drops on his knee and put up the thing which is precious for him.

"Hey hyung...why are you sitting on the floor?" jimin asks seeing jin bending down while he is taking his Breakfast..

Jin shows the bracelet to jimin...

"Jimineee...i gave it to kookee...why it here?" jin's asks with glistening eyes...

Jimin notices jin's tear filles eyes...

"Please don't cry hyung..you shouldn't have givin your bracelet to him who doesn't know its value"

"Really? Kookeee doesn’t know how to take care of jineee's gift??" jin Again wants to confirm that's why he asks while removing his tears with his shirt...

Jimin didn't give any reply so jin  didn't say anything either. He puts that bracelet in his pocket carefully...

"Why are you putting it in your pocket "

"I will sell it jimineee, then i get money...with money i will buy a new gift for kookeee... He didn't like right?"

"But hyung why you have to give him gift?he isn't worth of receiving your gifts!"jimin felt bad watching jin cry...

"I have to give him jimineee....he gave a ring....see!"
Jin shows his wedding ring gifted by jungkook on their wedding night...
Jimin becomes jealous seeing the diamond ring... Their marriage was love marriage but taehyung didn't give him any gift...its not like taehyung is not able to give him that... But why didn't he give him.. Jimin started thinking it......

"Kookee  doesn't  like it..... jimineee...can you please take me to a shop...i have to buy new gifts for kookeee ..please jimineee....please.... "

"Okay okay i will take you...but hyung atfirst finish your breakfast hyung! "

"I am not hungry anymore.... Jimineee... Come help me to break my piggy bank...bitch gave me money in that piggy bank...she said to use it if i need..."jin takes jimin's hand and start pulling him towards his room..

"Wait wait hyung...I will go with you but you have to eat before that...you have diabetes hyung....you can't miss your meal...it can hamper your health!"

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