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Jimin and seokjin reached at their office but saw that all lights were went off and whole building was covered with darkness....

"Jin Hyung....May be they are not here..."

"Jimineee..May be they went home"

"I don't think so Hyung...May be they went to another place or May be they are inside...let's go inside the building "

"But it's dark Jimineee..I am afraid "

"I am here with you Hyung..you are not alone!"

They went inside the lift....

Jungkook stopped his car infront of the office building..

"Jungkook why did you stopped the car here?"Taehyung asked...
Jungkook gave him lemon juice that made tae to get over from his hangover.

"Hyung I forgot some important files inside my room...stay here...I will just go inside and take my file and come back"

Jungkook opened the car door and while stepping out from car..one hand held his hand from back..he turned and saw its Taehyung's...

"How can you go inside alone?and how can you think that I let you go inside alone...I will go with you."

Jungkook smiled and nodded his head..

They went inside and saw the lift was in 15th floor...

"Who is staying at this time?"
Taehyung asked.

"May be...some employee or guard "Jungkook replied

He noticed the lift was not getting down to ground floor....After few seconds they heard a screamed..

"Jin Hyung!!"

Hearing the name Jungkook was shocked.."jin is here?"

"Is not it jimin's voice?"tae asked...

"Let's go upstairs "
Tae and jungkook ran through the stairs...he couldn't hear alarm was ringing....

They reached at the 15 floor and saw jimin was standing infront of the lift...they went to him and saw the lift did fall down one level....and there was dark inside the lift..

"Please help jin Hyung...Hyung is inside the lift...I came out first when Hyung was coming out lift falled downwards "
Jimin started crying and explained..

Jungkook ran near the lift...

"Seokjin...are you okay?"
Jin was afraid and sat there in one corner closing his eyes..

"Kookeee....help me....kookeee....I am dying "jin screamed...

Taehyung opened his phone torch along with jimin's phone...
They could see jin.....his face was red and swollen due to crying...

"Jin...hold my hand...baby hold my hand"jungkook was extending his hands...

But when jin held jungkook's hand .....and he started pulling jin...exactly at that time lift slipped down few centimetres from previous positions and there hands got separated from eachother...

Jungkook screamed...


"I am going inside the lift tae Hyung "

"No kook....you are not going..you can't risk your life for that insane..I can't let you go inside "taehyung held jungkook's arm tightly preventing him to go inside...

"Taehyung....are you even human...???he is my Hyung....if jungkook can't go inside then I myself will go inside...he is in that condition because of me...I myself told him to come in this office....if we didn't come here then Hyung would not be in this condition!"jimin said...

"I will not let you both go inside...your life s are more important then jin's life"

Jungkook didn't hear Taehyung and jumped inside the lift made it falled down more...

"Jineee.."Jungkook whispered...hearing it jin stood up from sitting positions and ran to jungkook...

"Kookeee why did you come here ....lift is falling down...you will die kookeee!"

"How can I leave my jinneee here alone and let him die???if jinneee is dying then kookeee will be his partner in this"
Jin started crying hearing it...

Jin stopped crying remembering one important things...

"Kookeee i forgotto tell you one thing.....i brought a gift for you...you will like it...you didn't like the previous one so i brought another gift...kookeee will wear ring just like me...we are married... We should wear it....wear it kookeee...please..fast....what if i couldnot get the chance to give you this gift...what if i could not go out from this lift...i want to see it how it looks in your fingers"

"....its expensive....Who gave you money to buy it jinneee???"jungkook said snatching the ring from jin's hand...

"Kookeee i brought this with my money......kookeee you don't like it either? "
Jin became sad thinking he couldn't made jungkook happy...

"Please kookeee wear it. Don't waste time..just for that last time...I think...I think...I will not survive...I can't breathe kookeee..."
Jin was trying hard to take air into his lung...but the place was in lack of oxygen...

Jungkook didn't realised when tears started coming from his eyes

"Kookeee...jineee loves you...don't ignore the gift..you can removed the ring from your finger after my dying,...please wear it .now...I want to see it....kookeee my eyes is closing "
Jin falled onto jungkook...he was feeling weak...
Jungkook hurriedly put the ring in his ring finger ...

"I love you jinneee...please don't close your eyes..."
Jungkook cried...jin already lost his consciousness...jungkook put his lip on jin and started passing air through mouth breathing but jin was not responding...


"Jungkook...take the rope.....I called the firefighters..they are going to reach in anymoment..."

"Jin is not responding Hyung...."

"Leave jin there...and come Jungkook...firefighters will rescue jin after reaching here..you first come outside "

"Taehyung ...what are you saying?"jimin was astonished hearing his husband

"Shut the fuck up....because of you my brother is in this condition "tae shouted at jimin...

"Hyung...I am not coming....I can't leave jin here to let him die...if he is dying then I will die with him"

"You become insane jungkook...you talk rubbish....you didn't even know him before this stupid marriage!"

Jimin pushed taehyung on the other side and went near the lift...
"Jungkook...listen to me....please...hyung is unconscious because there is lack of oxygen...please check hyung's pulse...is it beating?"

Jungkook put his hand on jin's wrist..and could feel the pulse...

"Yes I could feel his pulse "

"Jungkook....hurry up...tie the rope around your waist along with Hyung..I and taehyung will pull the rope..."

"You couldn't pull both of us....forget the idea...I am also loosing all hopes "

"Jungkook.....my lovely brother...listen to jimin.. we can save you"its taehyung who said it...

By this time the life saving team came..and they rescued jinkook couple and took them to the hospital..


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