chapter three: fire start

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    Soon after the world was left in the hands of vampires, everything went smoothly though the werewolves was upset on this new policy but they had no other option but to obey due to the current  consequences.
         While back at hell, Lucifer was tired of the current policy because many of his demons has died because of new powers of the vampires who now assist the werewolves in killing his demons. After many thoughts Lucifer decided to send one of his highest rank of demons, who had a reputation of killing fourth five werewolves and three vampire and many omega and even so beta feared him, his name was Dialbo . Lucifer sent him to the world of the daylighter to find a way to get more power and release him form his prison ( hell).
          Dialbo other  than being so strong he was also a good investigator and so he went out to the world of the day lighter and on getting there he did alot of research on humans and he killed lots of people and he finally found it a way to increase his powers he had found the key to unlock a different level of power and it was the human blood. He found out that the human blood had a surge of power that help release alot of powers  form the spiritual begin. How it was possible Dialbo himself couldn't explain but it was just an hypothesis and he needed to experiment it.
              While back at the territory of the vampires Lucas sent three of his vampires to go and observe the works of the werewolves and how they are coping with the beast which was already decreasing form the surface of the earth. Among them was Scott, Scott was a vampire who was strong and currently at the level of the omega. so he set out to the world of humans and on getting there he coincidentally found Dialbo who was devouring a group of boys who wore thesame   robes, it seemed like they were some kind of cult member. Dialbo devoured all expected one and Scott stood they watching and he was so terrified and scared, not for the fact that he was feeding on humans but because he was getting stronger with every bit and his already terrifying reputation, but Scott could not just stand and watch him eat the last one so he decided to do something. Scott stepped out form the place he was hiding carefully he drew out his sword and attacked Dialbo form behind after all he was a very good sword man and he stab Dialbo form behind and it had absolutely no effect Scott was surprised but he didn't give up because he had a trick of his sleeve. Dialbo quickly realised his presence and as he was about to attack him Scott made his sword produce lighten this was his trick and the only magic he could use with this attack he has been able to defeat a lot of enemies in the past years. And he quickly stab Dialbo with it before he could even get a chance to attack him but to his greatest surprise it had no effect none at all and Scott was shocked to the fullest and this time he was filled with fear and instead of letting Dialbo kill them both he quickly shouted to the man “RUN” but he was too scared to even move he couldn't believe his eyes and he legs refused move.
           Scott could nor longer rely on his own strength so he tried holding Dialbo so could he ran away with the man  and he tired the ripper death seal on Dialbo but it didn't work because Scott didn't have enough power the ripper death seal can only be done by the strongest of supernatural beings, after this failed Scott was so terrified he couldn't even move properly and Dialbo on the other hand didn't attack him at all, it seem like he wasn't interested in him at all his main focus was the man and Scott was just something to be dealt with later. Scott was laid on the ground helplessly and kept on shouting “run run run” but the man didn't even move but Dialbo constantly moved closer and closer but all of a sudden Dialbo enough the human and went for Scott and within a twinkle of an eye he held is neck maybe Scott voice was beginning to annoy him.And Scott struggle to remove his grip but he failed countless times time but he continued and finally managed to remove his tight grip and he fell on his feet and was scared his stood there looking death in the eye and was confused he didn't know what to do, he gazed at the man who was too scared to move and before Dialbo could hold him again he ran towards the direction of the man and he bit him by his neck and drank his blood, Immediately he felt a surge of power flowing through his veins, he felt inferior to everybody and his mind was scattered and immediately rage  filled his body and he wanted to kill all thing. Then Dialbo attacked him in anger that he ate his meal. But Scott reacted and before Dialbo attacked Scott used his hands to pass through Dialbo heart. Dialbo fell down on his kneel and he died on the spot.
scott still couldn't control his rage he needed more and he went out for more food  then he  saw a group a girl about three in number and he devoured all them and they screamed aloud while he drank their blood while they called him a monster
          Soon after, Scott regain his self conscious and he realized he had become a monster he looked like a beast and acted  like one. Scott felt like he has disappointed Lucas and wanted to kill himself on the spot but he changed his mind and decided to report to Lucas about the incident so he could pass judgement on him. Scott went to Lucas and reported everything that happened, Lucas was surprised by the incidents but let Scott go with a warning telling him that it was a mistake and his was in a tricky situation and anyone would have done thesame.

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