Chapter 2: Hoax

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His phone had been ringing nonstop since a while ago and since the caller had made it clear that they won't be stopping soon, he decided to see who called him not that early in the morning but as it is Sunday so it is early in his own opinion.

It was Phuwin, one of his baby brothers, the only other Omega in his family, who he adores so much usually but he definitely love him less right now.

"Say sike right now," was the first thing his brother said to him, in a voice that he cannot identify as laughing or feeling outwardly horrified.

"What the fuck" he croaks out, he just woken up and that's the first thing his older brother said to him? Sorry if he did not understand simpleton language.

Last night he instantly fell asleep once he threw himself on his bed, totally forgot to alert his brothers or his mother about his where-about so he guessed it's a blessing they connected their Iphone.

His brother exhaled, "You are fucking trending,". This time it sounded like he is a bearer of bad news, like Hermes telling Hera that her fucking husband cheated the nth time.

Mix felt like the world was playing a cruel joke to him, though he came from a pretty much wealthy family, he never fucking went viral like his brothers so this is definitely something crazy.

"WHAT?! WHY??!" he yelled out. He heard noises from Phuwin's end and he would not even be surprised if his brother is covering the phone with something to lessen his voice's volume.

Humurously his brother replied, "They said you are dating Earth MOTHERFUCKING PIRAPAT!,". By the end of his sentence he yelled out, not as loud as Mix though, no one can fight with Mix in this department.

He is crying, physical tears actually came out from his eyes, "The heir of Watthanasetsiri? No fucking way. I never met him," he denied quickly. He knew the man from the previous night named Earth BUT NOT EARTH FUCKING PIRAPAT.

"For the love of god, you guys linked arms when you guys walked out the fucking hall," laughed Phuwin, so fucking delighted with his older brother's misery.

"That was Earth Pirapat?" He mumbled to himself, still in disbelief.

He knew who Earth was but definitely not his face! In his family, he is so sheltered as his mother is overprotective of him. No one can deny that being an Omega is one of the factor but his health in general is pretty much frail compared to his other brothers. Heck, he was always jealous of Phuwin because despite being an Omega, he can join those social functions though sometimes his baby brother will remain with him and Gemini at home.

"What?" his brother's confused tone cut his trail of thoughts.

"Nothing, i am just thinking," he replied. He put his brother on speaker while going on Twitter himself so he can see it for his own eyes. His hand hovered  above his phone screen, unsure if he wanted to see the truth. If it was true that the one with Earth was him, then what? Where would he go from there?

"Holy shit that is him," he cursed once he gathered enough courage to tap on the trending hashtag.  Earth's and his face were clear in that picture. Someone from the party must had took it because the photo was in freaking HD quality so no questioning whether it was them or not.

"Are you with him right now? Did you guys fucked," his baby brother asked.

"Phuwin, please watch your language, mom's gonna kill you and are you fucking crazy? We did not do anything. Heck I hoped we'll never meet again,"

"Nahh, she's too happy right now to be upset. But why do you dislike him? It's rare for you to dislike anyone in general. Well, you are petty but not hateful though,"

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