Chapter 5: Long Story Short

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When Mix woke up, it was to a ball of fur curling on his face and a weight on his chest. Fortunately it was caused by the head of the older man still sleeping while cuddling him and not because of his heart.

His cat, Snow must had been let out by Phuwin and it somehow sneaked into his room. Which shouldn't be possible unless, he sat up abruptly, making his cat jumped down to save herself but not the same can be said for Earth, who felt like his neck were snapped to death.

"PHUWIN KRONGKAMNUANKARN! WHO TAUGHT YOU TO SNOOP INTO MY ROOM?!" he screamed in his high noted voice.

"I wasn't snooping, Snow was meowing nonstop since we came in but I guess you were too sleepy to realise," his younger brother eyed the man who was sitting up too as result of being woken up in a harsh way, "And I didn't know that you have company," he said in nonchalance but the way he looked at Earth is not exactly friendly but not entirely hostile, more of in suspicion than hating the eldest man.

Mix stood up to ushered his little brother out and closed the door to leave him and Earth alone. When he turned to the other guy, the said man was already cuddling Somporn to his chest, burying his face into the thick fur and that sight made his heart bloomed with fondness.

He shook his head in disbelief, a little disgusted by his own thoughts, "Sorry about my brother,"

"It's okay. At least no assassination attempt from him," he said when he turned his face towards Mix, unburrowing his face from the white soft fur.

"Haha funny. My brothers are not that bad," he stated as he grab his towel to go and take a shower. He had been in his work clothes for too long and even if it was not his scrub, his white shirt was not exactly anything that anyone can say hygienic.

"Sure, sure. Tell that to those that wasn't harassed by them on daily basis," it was more of a whisper but Mix still managed to catch the mumbling of Earth.

Mix's face contorted in confusion, "What do you mean? Were they harassing you?" he asked to the taller man who was now refusing to look at him.

"Harassing was a little too much of a big word but they did not let me have any peaceful day for sure,"

"And you didn't think of telling me?" his intention to take shower disintegrated, now he's standing in front of Earth with both hands on his waist.

"Mix, I am almost twenty nine and most of them were my actual group of friends anyway so it's not like I am not used to them," Earth replied childishly. He pouted when the shorter man chastised him.

As more things get revealed, the worse the pain in his chest felt, "Most! What do you mean most!"

"Your younger brothers also contacted me? Phuwin and Khaotung are definitely the civil ones out of all of your siblings. Definitely recommended texting them,"

"And Gemini?" he sighed, massaging his chest. He just hope that the only Alpha young brother of his didn't turn out like their elder brothers.

The other man just shrugged, but still not making eye contact, "Well, as intimidating as a teenage can be. I won't be worried though about him though," Earth felt like a kid that was caught by his mother that he was getting bullied at school.

Mix could only shook his head, "I am going to shower," he ended the conversation as he knew that Earth would not tell him anymore.


The breakfast was ready when they walked out of Mix's bedroom, courtesy of his Omega brother. It was not really a breakfast when all of them were waking up at noon but as it was the first food of the day and Phuwin made them breakfast food thus it still can be called breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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