Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

It was quite something to have been with someone for nearly half your life, and yet they could still surprise you. Alex was behaving quite recklessly. Posing for fan photos in the bar of the Barbican. Not caring they were going to be shared online. He had even asked Miles to take one of them, and when the fan had showed it to them, Miles had loved seeing the crinkly eye loving smile Alex gave him, captured forever.

They went into the auditorium, waving hellos to the various friends they recognised. Phones were strictly banned because the concert was being recorded for the BBC. But Miles didn't trust people, they had a sneaky way of taking pictures. And there they were, sitting there in the huge auditorium, in their leather jackets. Sticking out like sore thumbs.

Alex seemed unfazed by it all. And Miles didn't just think it was because he'd got his rocks off this afternoon. He'd been like it since he came home. Miles had last seen him like that in 2016, during that blissful summer on tour, when Alex had been playful and abandoned and not afraid to show his love. After that so many barriers had come up, with those around him desperate to claw back his heterosexual image.

But he didn't seem to care. Today When Father John Misty had performed Copenhagen, Alec had discreetly reached across and hooked his little finger through Miles'. Glancing at him, Miles saw tears in his eyes and Miles knew why. On their very last night in France back in 2007, they had sat in what had become their room, listening to Scott 3, and they had danced to Copenhagen. Their arms wrapped around each other's skinny, boyish waists, their heads upon each other's shoulders. Both crying because their idyll had come to an end.

The concert finished and they left the venue. Saying goodbye to their friends and acquaintances. Alex ignoring the glances of the passers by who clearly recognised him. Miles feeling like his personal security guard, protecting him, looking out for sneaky cameras.

They made their way back to Alex's car, and as they drove off, Alex told Miles to put some Sinatra on. Miles didn't have to be asked twice, connecting his phone via Bluetooth, and soon the Ultimate Sinatra was blasting out. As they both sang along to Witchcraft,

Miles felt one of those bursts of happiness, when all felt well with the world. Him and Alex completed each other, it had taken a lot of years and a lot of heartache and fights before they finally accepted it. Miles felt conflicted. His body wanted to go back to the house so they could make love. But in other ways this was such a happy place. Just the two of them, acting daft. Alex doing to Miles the same thing his dad used to do to him, playfully jabbing Miles with every stab in the music.

Miles became confused when instead of heading East, Alex drove Southbound, though central London, towards Waterloo Bridge.

"Where are we going, Lah?" Miles asked.

Alex glanced at him.

"I did tell you today wasn't over."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Ah eh, I've got some promo stuff I need to post this weekend."

"All sorted with Rosie. She's gonna do it for you."

"You've cooked this all up with her?"

"Yep," Alex grinned.

"Am I to expect this sort of treatment on our anniversary every year?"

"If you're a good boy."

They were in the depths pf South London, heading along the A217 towards Surrey, when Alex's phone rang.

"Oh joy," he said looking at the display on the dashboard. "It's Justine."

He tapped the dashboard and answered the call.

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