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Tucked away deep into the city just above the ground level was an apartment complex coated in feather-moss. Not only was it the only building for miles with any green but also the oldest, the creakiest, and more often than not occupants weren't going to be getting any sleep because of it. By the time the light creeped into the building most of the residents had gone off to work sleep-deprived besides Lou who'd spent the last week scavenging antiques on the surface. He'd come across a gluttonous plant that sat perfectly in his ears which did a wonderful job at muting his surroundings.

After his morning stretch Lou threw his usual denim pants and overcoat on top of his light gray shirt, a perfect combination for keeping the skin away from ground level infections. Next was to make the bed but, as he says every day, tomorrow he'll clean.

"As long as it's good enough to sleep in I guess." Lou yawned.

"Who're you talking to Barthy?" Lou's found sister, Amaria, cracked open his door and offered a cup of tea to his bedside table.

"No one, just getting ready for work."

"And picking new excuses not to do your bed?" She eyed the blanket that was snaking towards the stone floor.

"Why are you even in here Amaria? Shouldn't you be in town selling earthworms?" Lou grabbed the steaming mug of tea and lowered his lips to the brim.

Pouting, Amaria grabbed the mug out of his hands, "They aren't worms, they're recall lizards and they do a wonderful job. Just look at these new earrings my sweet Spikey found for me."

Lou wiped his hands on an old t-shirt that was laying on the floor and walked out of his room to the small kitchen/living room. The room was made up of a mini-fridge, bar and stool, old couch, and 10 different paintings.

"Barthy! In the fridge I left you half of my burrito, take it with you. Getting sick from Earth food should be a one-time situation, last time was terrible." Amaria was shouting from his room; most likely she was tidying the bed contrary to Lou's idea.

The fridge opened revealing some green smoothies and bottles of sleeping flies for Amaria's lizards along with the burrito left in a plastic bag.

"I'll see you tonight, Amaria." Lou was tying his shoes by the door his burrito already packed into his satchel.

"Where's my thanks for the burrito, Bartholomew?" Her arms crossed, shadow peering over him as he sat tying his shoes. Lou stops and tilts his head back meeting Amaria's jaw.

"Ow you jerk why're you so close," He rubbed his head from the impact, "Thanks. But can you not call me that? You calling me Barthy is already weird."

"Ugh, you're such a baby Lou, go have fun at work." Amaria slipped on her shoes without tying them and grabbed her bag making sure to be the first one out of the house; then it was quiet.

Crazy Earth girl. Lou stood up and readied himself before leaving to Alfon's trinket and fix-it shop. The way to the shop from his apartment was poorly lit being so close to the earth's ground but Lou walked the same path enough times that light wasn't necessary. After going in an uphill direction for a while there was an intimidating crack in the path to where you could see the 40ft drop down to the lush green surface called Earth. This would be where most folk turned away and started looking for a different path to their jobs but Alfon, the trinket store owner gifted Lou an old hover-scooter from when everyone preferred living in techno cities even after Earth recovered. Lou diverted from the path to find the scooter hidden behind some dense bushes. One good kick to the generator and he hovered across the crack and the rest of the way up to the store front.

"Old man you in here?" The doorbell rang as Lou stepped in leaving his scooter locked up out front. Within seconds a young-looking man appeared from behind a cluttered desk muttering to himself until finally noticing Bartholomew.

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