Chapter 1

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The bright sun shone down through the tall trees that grew all around the small forested area. It was early, almost mid-morning as the distant sound of exploding tree branches echoed faintly in the distance.

The tall pine trees were obscured by large leaves and bright red apples. The branches reached up to the sky, it was as if Heven reached down to bring the Pokémon who passed up to them safely. They called it The Tree of Passing.

In that small forested clearing was a small light blue dog-like Pokémon, who was using a dark oak-wood pine tree as her training dummy.

"Alright," Aura muttered quietly under her breath. "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!" she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting the blue glow slowly surround her entire body like a protective cloak.

Her paws faced forward and light blue aura enveloped around her entire body. Narrowing her already tightly closed eyes, the small light blue dog-like emanation Pokémon pushed more aura into her outstretched palms and a small ball of pure blue light slowly began to form in between her paws.

Smiling victoriously to herself, the emanation Pokémon let the ball of pure aura-filled energy fly freely, exploding a nearby tree in its path as it did so.

Upon hearing the loud 'kaboom' Aura's eyes snapped open and her head shot up in alarm. "What in the world was that?" she mused to herself as she walked over to inspect the damage.

"Woah!" she breathed out, eyes shimmering with amazement and awe. "Did I unknowingly use Aura Sphere?" she gasped in shock.

Aura let a smile light up her face as she looked down at her paws with wide eyes.

"Wow! This is amazing!"

"I've gotta show the others what I can do!" she cheered happily with a triumphant gleam in her ruby-red eyes.

With a happy skip in her step, the young Riolu bounded eagerly back to camp with a smile on her face that not even the now incoming storm could break.

It didn't take Aura long at all to reach the small forested clearing that her other teammates and friends were camping out in.

"Hey guys! Guess what I just did?" she asked upon entering the clearing. "I learned Aura Sphere."

At hearing those words, all the Pokémon turned to face her with wide-eyed gazes.

"Wait, what?" Dusk was the first to break the silence. "But how?" he asked, still a bit stunned. "I thought only Lucario could learn that move!" he exclaimed with awe in his voice.

Aura's smile broadened and she pumped her fist into the air, focussing her aura and letting the light blue ball of energy form in her paws.

"Wow Aura! That was soooo cool!" Zap exclaimed with a wide-eyed look on his face. "How'd you learn to do that?" the small Pichu asked, blinking and giving the aura user a curious glance.

Said aura Pokémon just giggled and gave the small electric type a cheeky grin.

"Everyone has their ways Zap!" she replied loftily with a small smile and mischief shimmering in her bright red eyes.

Zap pouted and blew the emanation Pokémon a raspberry in response to her statement. "Aw come on!" he pleaded, crossing his little arms over his chest and giving Aura the puppy dogg eyes. "But why not, Aura?" he repeated his earlier question.

Aura sighed helplessly and glanced over at Lightning as if to say "Please help me out here!" Lightning, seeing the pleading look in the young Riolu's eyes, laughed quietly and gave his brother a pointed look.

"Stop bugging Aura," the older Pokémon scolded his brother with his arms crossed over his chest and eyes narrowed slightly.

"But-" Zap tried to protest but a sharp flare from Lightning made the small Pichu snap his mouth shut.

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