𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘮

21 1 11

You sat in the back of Mrs.Johnson's Ela class

He sat at the front..

That didn't stop him from staring at you every chance he got though.

“Okay class, partner up and start on the project.. remember, keep the themes PG.” Mrs.Johnson joked as she left to her desk, Abby looked at the rubric packet that explained the rules for the writing theme in more depth.

Ponyboy saw this as a chance and got up to talk to you, as he walked down the rows of students already pairing up he slapped his fists against his jean pockets nervously.. he stopped in front of her desk watching her as she pushed her long dirty blonde hair out of her eyes as she reread the packet.

Ponyboy's POV;

Golly she was pretty, I stared at her a while until I heard someone say

“Do you.. need something?”

I looked around like an idiot wondering who was talking but it was the girl in front of me, I didn't know her name so we both stared at each other kind of awkwardly..

“I was just wondering, would you like to..to.” I felt like a Pansy stutterin’ in front of a pretty girl like that.. what would Sodapop say.

“would you like to be my partner for the theme..?” I asked, clearing my throat uncomfortably.. she smiled at me and I'm not sure but I felt short breathed for a second.

“Sure, I'm Abby.” she grinned, she kicked her feet up from the chair leaning closer to me.. she reminded me of Dallas and how he did that whenever he was interested in somethin’..

“What's your name?” she asked as I sat down at the desk across from her.. I've always hated telling people my name for the first time, most people didn't believe me.

“Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis.” I said quickly, I half expected her to gawk at me like I was lying but she didn't she nodded slowly.

“Nice name,” she said and nothing more after, I liked the quiet but I also felt like I needed to talk to her in order to get her to be interested in me..

“So.. you like reading?” I asked and immediately regretted it, I didn't usually talk to girls and when I did it definitely wasn't about books but her eyes lit up and she nodded.

“Any good book suggestions..?” I asked her as we jot ideas down for the theme, she bent over, pulling a book out from the stack beside her desk.. “I really love That was Then this is now,” she grinned showing me a book with its cover fading with age.

“S.E Hinton..?” I asked her, squirting to read the small red font on the top.. “Yeah, he writes really good books y'know..?” she said and I nodded, “Are there any books you like too?” she asked, putting the book away.

“Well.. I really like Gone With The Wind.” I said writing an idea down on the scrap paper in front of me... “I've never read it, never peaked my interest but I might take your word for it.” she smiled grabbing her stack of books and shoving them into her bag.

“You getting ready to leave already?” I asked, she looked at me confused “It's almost time to go..?” she smiled at me then pointed to the clock.

Time sure does fly.. I thought grabbing my bag from underneath my desk.

I watched her as she left the classroom, grinning like a fool.

Imma post another chapter soon, this fanfic is for @DallyismyHusbando

𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘮┃𝘗𝘰𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺.𝘊Where stories live. Discover now