chapter- 2

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Lucas pov-

Today we have a big party at my house because dad's project got successful this is good time to let milk meet with dad and Nanon I don't want milk should meet my dad but I need to tell him I'm dating someone so he won't bug me to get a girl as I went towards my dad's room and knocks few times come in my dad said From inside I slowly twisted the knob and got in oh my dear dad said and showed his toxic smile who was standing in front of big window what's bring you here? He asked and come towards me

Dad I hope you remember I told you I want you to meet someone special to me I said with straight face but dad nodded while smiling I'm ready to meet whoever is special to you he said and patted my shoulder I will bring her tonights party I said and dad smiled wide and Nanon also as I said he dropped his smile why him I can't let him come there he will be in his bedroom dad said with serious face dad please let him enjoy his time also he needs to go out or he will be depressed than he is already

I said with firm voice but dad shook his head while rubbing his temple son try to understand what if someone get to know he is not normal my repetition will down he said and look away dad please why you say like this I took long breath whatever I'm gonna bring him in party and don't worry your reputation won't be down I said and went to left the room but before leaving I spoke and yeah my girlfriend's brother will also join us shutting the door loudly I sigh and went to Nanon's bedroom which is downstairs I slowly open his door and got in but my innocent brother was mumbling something in his dreams I went towards him and saw the tears rolling down on his cheeks I got worried and held him

Non wake up I said while shaking him non everything is OK please wake up I said his body is shivering I hugged him and try to make him calm down I patted his head as he slowly gets relax but he tugged on my shirt I understand he was having the nightmares I slowly look at his red face I wiped the tears and he slowly open his eyes which is red duo to crying he sat up and I handled him the water glass he gulped down the water and have his breaths slowly I'm sorry I was having nightmares he said I understand non are you OK now?

I asked him and he nodded as I sighed and held his hand non today we have party at home you have to join too I said and he snapped his face towards me w-what dad won't like this if I join the party he said but I shook my head I talked with dad and he won't have any problem so better get ready tonight you have to meet my girlfriend I said and winked at him which I received the most beautiful dimple smile from him which is rare to see him like this

But are you sure dad won't be mad? He asked again I held his shoulder don't worry bro I said I talked with dad no need to worry too much just be ready I will come back here to take you got it? I said and he nodded hesitantly I smiled widely at him and stood up and left from the room I know he is scared but I want my brother to enjoy his life like a normal person I went straight to my room and took out my phone and send text to milk saying that rather than meeting at cafe I should invite her brother at this party as I send her msg and waited for her response in a few minutes she replied saying she will bring her brother in company

I put down the phone on table and look myself in mirror I know her brother is most powerful mafia I don't know what will dad do if he gets to know I have bad feelings about this but today I wanna think positive I shrugged it off and went in bathroom to get ready

Ohm's pov-

Here I'm getting ready for the party which my sister told me we will see her boyfriend there I got ready and I'm so ready to meet that guy I'm a mafia who will understand people just by looking at their face and I will know why he wants to be with my sister why my sister only! I fixed the watch and went out in living room seeing my little sister waiting for me as she saw me and jumped from the couch oh hia let's go we should not be late she said and held my arm as we left from my mansion and got in our car and we left

MAFIA'S CRAZY LOVE.S1 (OHMNANON)Where stories live. Discover now