Chapter- 20

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Ohm's pov-

Nanon are you ok? I knocked on bathroom door when Nanon ran inside the bathroom and locks the door from inside it's not first time when he throw up I always call the Dr they checked him but never find out why Nanon throw up like that from the last 2 days he fainted two times my breath stopped when Nanon went unconscious Nanon said he feels weak he feels like to vomit as I know he don't really eat since the day he started to throw up I angrily banged on the door as I look behind call the fucking Dr I said to the guard he bowed and immediately left from there as the door got open I saw Nanon looked so weak he walked towards me and fell in my arms n-Nanon are you OK? I panicked when Nanon breathed heavily i-im feeling s-so weak Nanon said by his weak voice

I picked him up and take him to bed I laid him down as I was about to cover him with blanket but he immediately held my hand I sat beside him as Nanon hugged my hand I ruffles his hair to comfort him as the door got open I saw a old doctor with one of my guard he bowed when he saw me he looked at Nanon and walked towards us let me check him Mr pawat Dr said I stood up but Nanon held my hand tightly Nanon don't worry they won't do anything when I said that the Dr also reaped Nanon? The Dr asked as he stared at Nanon excuse me why the hell you're looking at him like this I said as Dr looked at me he shook his head immediately I know him Dr said as he held Nanon's hand Nanon my boy it's dr mark the Dr said as Nanon open his eyes slowly

When Nanon saw the Dr he teared up badly u-uncle mark he said but thats making me all confused can you please explain me something I asked Dr looked at me I will explain you everything let Me check on him Dr said as he started to check Nanon Nanon exactly tell me what happened? Dr asked Nanon as Nanon hiccuped and held his stomach m-my stomach h-hurts he said as Nanon started to cry I went towards Nanon and held his hand he even throwed up many times and fainted I said because Nanon was not in situation to speak
Dr looked at me and nodded can I ask you what's the relationship between you and Nanon? Dr asked because I'm already worried I decided to tell him the truth I'm his husband now what? I said him and he went silent

But then he sighed I will ask you something please answer it with honest he asked and I nodded tell your guard to go out he said and I looked at the guard he immediately left the door OK listen you guys married then have you ever had sex? Dr asked making me all confused but I nodded my head yes we did many times why you asked this? I said to the Dr when Nanon gripped on my hand Dr took long breath and he nodded Mr pawat I needs to talk with you dr said but I can't leave Nanon here alone but before I speak Lucas showed up in room its me who called him when Nanon ran inside the bathroom because I wanted to ask if by chance Nanon have any problems like throwing up always when Lucas saw Nanon he immediately ran towards us n-nanon what happened to him? Lucas asked he didn't realize the Dr and focused on Nanon

Lucas stay with Nanon I have to talk with Dr as I said and he nodded still not taking away his eyes from Nanon I nodded to Dr And we left from the room and went in living room so what you wanna talk Dr? I asked as Dr sigh heavily Mr pawat you need to know about Nanon's dark past and whatever right now happening with Nanon it's can be related to his past so you need to listen me really careful Dr said making me panic but confused at same time what you mean? I asked  Mr pawat Nanon is not normal guy 5 years ago he had a very tragic accident with him his own dad handed Nanon to a psychopath Dr that Dr did a experiment on Nanon about men getting pregnant when he said that my eyes got wide not wanting to believe whatever he said Dr Kim have placed a womb inside Nanon's belly that time he survived but...

Because Dr Kim have told me about his experiment I know that when will Nanon gets older the womb will grow inside him and if Nanon had a sex with a man he might be pregnant Dr said but I couldn't process anything my mind went totally blank I can't think of anything Nanon having womb inside him he had a experiment with him his childhood was dark but why Nanon never told me about this why this happening with me with Nanon I sigh heavily but now I have did it with Nanon I need to take responsibility even this case is so weird a man getting pregnant if people will get to know they won't let Nanon live in peace this need to be secret no matter what nobody should know about this I need to help Nanon I'm sure he must be over thinking Mr pawat? I come out from my thoughts when Dr mark called me y-yes? I said as Dr mark sigh I know this is weird and shocking but you need to help Nanon I will do few test to prove if Nanon is pregnant

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