Girls Talks

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The girl was surprised by this incident.when she tell her friends about this incident. Here the conversation is:-

"He said he loves me " she told her friends

They all laughed till the day end 

''What was he thinking of?"one said

Another said"he lost his mind I'm afraid''

''He's just illusioning ''she said while twisting her hair

''Doesn't he knows that you have a b.f ? '' asked Claire

She nodded while putting lipstick on 

''Forget it ,he'll soon get over it '' said her twin

''The night is young and so are we, let's search for a party to crash in!" 

She. Sighed then shook her head

She said''i'll pass' you girls go ahead''

When all her friends left she picked up a photo groom her night stans

Of a boy and a girl, laughing and holding hands 

She stared at it,having flash backs

Of their friendship in the past

She played her head on her pillow asking herself why did he do that,for god's sake !

—————- ———*written by Raylen Robbin* ——————————-

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