Mateo - 8:33 a.m.

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This is it. I'm being violently shook right now and I don't know what to do, I'm frozen in the fetal position I was asleep in, because this is the moment. It was even a miracle we survived this long. We were bound to die at some point, that's why we got the call, that's why- "Mateo!" Rufus screams. 

"Rufus are you okay? What's happening, what's going on?" I jolt up at the frantic sound of Rufus's voice and tears are pouring down my face now because I don't want to die, I didn't get enough time with him. I didn't get enough time with anyone. Lidia and little Penny. My dad. This can't be real and this is just a nightmare. I'm not sure why my brain is convincing me I made this all up now but I'm really scared and Rufus can see it.

"Shit I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he says. Rufus pulls me into a tight hug as I cry on his shoulder. I'm still not exactly sure what's happening but I'm too panicked to form words and speak them without sounding idiotic. My eyes jolt around the room to make sure no one's hiding in the shadows to come maim us and there's no one there. 

"What's happening?" I say, shakily. Rufus just starts to laugh through tears and says "Nothing bad, you're ok, but look." 

He pulls out his phone and I can't believe what I'm looking at. I rub my eyes because this can't be true. I try to ignore the obvious joke staring me down and focus on his background, which is the picture of him wearing my glasses. It's so silly and sweet and I wish the moments like that were to last forever. That me and Rufus would fill the rest of our lives with memories like today's because I'm not ready to let go. Until I realize that that fantasy of mine could be true because the letters and numbers reading 8:37 a.m. keep drawing me back and it sinks in. My eyes move to look at a crying, yet smiling Rufus who looks more giddy than I've ever seen him, even though I've known him for less than a day.

"Is this a joke?" I ask "Because if so I'm going to kill you". We both know that's a lie but I will be beyond pissed cause that's just not funny. And he knows it too. And I know he knows it so this can't be a joke.

"No, it's not. I can't believe it either but it's" He turns his phone to look at the time "8:37 a.m. on September 6th. Holy shit," he states, with relief in his voice "We beat death."

Holy shit is right.

(Hi guys. I just wanted to get these first two chapters out to see if anyone wanted to read them. I wrote this to hopefully make myself feel better yet I'm still balling my eyes out right now so I don't think it worked. I will continue to add to it though. Bye)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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