Chapter Nineteen (Smut!)

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Emma felt the burning in her pocket, it felt like the letter Dumbledore left her was some how calling to her. A siren song telling her to read it. She was still angry with him, angry that all she was left was a letter. She looked next to her on the bed, Matteo was sleeping his chest rising and falling softly. His head was resting on one of his arms, the other arm was wrapped around her waist. She carefully reached down to her sweater that was tossed to the ground thanks to Matteo. Her fingers fumbling for a moment trying to find the paper, she hears the crinkle helping her locate the letter. She grabs it and lays back down in bed, Matteo's arm tightens on her as he continues to stay asleep. The tip of her wand lights as she opens the letter, Dumbledore's handwriting staring back at her.

My dearest Emma,

I have had the pleasure of watching some of the most astonishing witches and wizards grow in my time here at Hogwarts. You must know the greatest pleasure I have witness is watching you grow into the most extraordinary witch that will ever walk the halls of Hogwarts, will ever walk this world. You are gifted beyond comprehension. I knew it the moment I met you all those years ago. There are no accidents in this life, Harry's wand was meant for him and you were meant to save us. You have all the power deep inside you, a well of unmentionable magic. A magic that will aid you in your journey. Find Ellery Evergold in Tinworth. She will be expecting you. Time is of the essence, Emma. You are running out of it.

You hold the power to right this world once and for all.


Emma felt the hot tears falling from her cheeks. The sobs that escaped her, causing her body to shake violently. Matteo woke with a start as he wrapped her up in his arms pulling her to his chest. When she finally calmed down he leaned back, the moonlight casting a small glow on her beautiful face. "What's wrong?" his voice full of concern. She handed him a piece of paper, he looked down taking it from her hands. He felt under his pillow for his wand as he cast lumos. He began reading the letter Dumbledore left her, his eyebrows pinching. He was annoyed with how vague Dumbledore was about this unmentionable magic hidden in Emma. He looked up at her "We have to find Ellery Evergold." she nods her head "tomorrow." she answers him.

The next morning Emma told the golden trio that Dumbledore has left her to find something that might help their efforts. She explained that time was of the essence and they must leave today. Harry didn't like this plan, didn't like them splitting up. He wasn't sure they could go to the ministry without Emma.....and as much as it pains him to say this Matteo too. Harry wasn't an idiot he knew how brilliantly talented Matteo Riddle is. In fact it was one of the many reasons Harry couldn't stand him and slightly feared him. It shouldn't have been shocking to him that not only would Matteo Riddle be drawn to his sister who was more brilliantly talented than Riddle but for her to be drawn to him as well. The twins hugged telling each other to be careful before the pairs went their separate ways.

Matteo apparated them just outside of Tinworth, they made their way into town. They stopped in one of the local pubs hoping someone would know where they could find Evergold. After a few no's they were pulled aside by a young waitress. "You will find Miss Evergold just outside the town, towards the east. A little cottage right by the water." she whispered to them. Emma thanked her kindly before they took off. At first they questioned whether or not they missed a turn or completely went the wrong way. A little cottage appeared just twenty feet ahead, Emma looked at Matteo. He could see the worry and stress in her eyes. He stopped their walking making her face him, his hands finding their place on her face. "Whatever happens today, I'm right here standing next to you. I love you." he kisses her forehead, her eyes closing enjoying his closeness. Emma was scared.....scared of what all this means for her. What Dumbledore's letter meant. She was always told Harry was the one that was going to save them all, that Harry was the savior. Those words in ink replaying in her head. Harry's wand was meant for him and you were meant to save us........You hold the power to right this world once and for all.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now