Prologue - Stranger Waking

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Nakamara just let go of his Experion title. His month in prison was terrible, as usual, he had a lot of bruises and wound, adding to the old ones. His son made a mechanical brand new arm for him, not that he actually deserved it.

Right now, he's tired. The school festival is in some hours and he don't want to miss it but he would loves to stay in bed. He sigh and get up, rubbing his back. It was time he stopped crimes. He would never survive another stay in prison, being r-ped and tortured during an entire month. He walk until the little bathroom next to his bedroom. Just to put some water on his face. That's good. The wounds on his face sting a little but the water is just what he needed.

??? : Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor... My proud, beautiful flower of evil.

Nakamara : What?

Nakamara raise his head, looking to the bathroom door, but nobody's here.

??? : You are truly the fairest one of all.

Nakamara : Is there a mic somewhere?

He's looking under the sink, but there is nothing. Great, now he was hearing voices.

??? : O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... Reveal unto me the visage I seek...

Since he heard the word "mirror" he looked in that direction... and did not saw his reflection. The mirror was dark, like if filled with ink.

Nakamara : What the...

??? : You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth... If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.

A hand appears in the mirror and reach to Nakamara. The man just take a step backward.

Nakamara : What the hell is that?! I should go find Thoki!

He's turn to the door but then the hand grab his arm.

??? : As flame reduces even the stars to ash, As ice seals away even time itself, As great trees swallow even the sky, Fear not the power of darkness. Now­- demonstrate your power.

Nakamara : Damnit! No thanks! I'm done with the dark path! Let go of me!

The grip is strong, and it's his real arm that got caught. If it was his prosthesis, he would had no problem to free himself. He still try to get away but he got dragged toward the mirror.

??? : To me. To them. To yourself. The hour grows long, and time is scarce. Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come...

Nakamara : You are the one grabbing me!! THOKI!! Thoki help!!

Thoki is in the kitchen. He hear the call and immediately let go of the pan he was cleanning, running to his master and lover's room. He almost broke the door. But it's too late. There is not a single trace of Nakamara. He look at the gps tracker but the signal is corrupted. It's like Nakamara just vanished from this world...

Nakamara lost consciousness while getting throught the mirror. He slowly open his eyes but see nothing. Looks like he's inside something... a coffin?

Nakamara : My head... what it that noise...?

??? : I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton!

Nakamara frowns. What was happening now? He move and get his mechanical fist ready then punch forward. His arm get throught the lid of his coffin and the voice outside let out a scream of surprise.

??? : What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!

Nakamara : Oh, shut up!

He destroy the lid thanks to his mechanical arm and jump out of the coffin. Thanks to all his training, he land perfectly on his feet. He wear a strange robe with the hood on, partly hiding his face. Not a very practical outfit. He look around and see the culprit. Is that... 

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