Chapter 21. Forever Not Yours

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Walking along the narrow paved trail in the garden, Theo was surrounded by vibrant flower beds bursting with a rainbow of colors. The air was filled with a sweet fragrance, adding to the serene atmosphere. As much as he wished he could bid a proper goodbye to Ann, he knew he had limited time to complete his investigation. He had only two hours left to check the post office and determine once and for all if it was a murder or not. In addition to his desire to win the bet, he felt a sense of duty to bring justice to Ann.

Theo was confident that Ann wouldn't be offended by his sudden departure. She was deeply engrossed in designing her new school. Also, she could easily become consumed by her creative flow. Honestly, he doubted she would even notice his absence amidst her passionate work.

Following the trail, Theo arrived at the stables where Rei had spent the night. The impressive structure was constructed with grey stones and boasted a fancy turquoise roof. It was evident that the late Gregory Storm had impeccable taste and provided excellent accommodations for his horses. Inside, there were five horses occupying a spacious room, while the other side of the barn served as storage for hay and grain, which was mostly empty during the summer. However, now it served as a temporary home for the dragon, Rei. Theo imagined that Rei must be eager to stretch his wings and engage in long-distance flights.

As Theo approached the stable gates, the air in front of him seemed to tremble, and suddenly, John materialized out of thin air. Theo was taken aback but managed to maintain his balance.

"I hope I didn't startle you, detective," John said, a mischievous grin on his face.

Theo's fists tightened even more, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He longed to deliver a punch to John's face, but he had to restrain himself. John had already lodged a complaint against him, and Theo couldn't afford any more trouble. "I see you take pleasure in chasing after me. Is it love or obsession?" Theo asked, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Isn't love a form of obsession?" John retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Theo exhaled sharply through his nostrils. "So, that's why you can't leave Ann alone?"

John chuckled, pacing along the closed gates. "I know your type. With your Gift of Fire, the strongest in the hierarchy of magic, you might feel invincible. But you're just too arrogant."

"What are you implying?"

"My point is..." John touched his tie, and the gleam of his expensive watch with a time crystal caught the sunlight. "You may think you've won her over. But in the end, you'll disappear, searching for a new target to pursue, and she'll come back to me. To the person who will love her unconditionally."

Theo felt a lump forming in his throat as doubt crept into his mind. It was true that he had often been labeled as a hunter, especially when it came to women. He had a tendency to develop feelings only for those who seemed out of his reach. What if John was right? What if Ann was never meant to be with him? After all, she had been with John since their school days. John was wealthy and didn't have to work the long hours that Theo did. He had chosen to settle in Mountville, a place where Theo couldn't envision himself relocating, especially without a Guardian House. What if Ann preferred John over me?

"See, you don't even try to argue," John remarked, fixing his gray eyes on Theo and pushing his patience to the limit.

"Ann doesn't love you," he blurted out. It was a desperate attempt to assert himself. "She never did. Otherwise, she would never have broken up with you."

Theo's words seemed to have no effect on John. Instead, they elicited laughter from him. "She broke up with me many times before. But you see, I have always been there for her, even during her darkest moments. When Uncle Greg passed away, I held her hand and comforted her with soothing tea. And when her mother had that accident on the mountain, I found her on the trail and brought her back home."

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