Chapter 27. A Real Gem

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At the Guardian Station, John regained his senses. As all the criminals, he was restrained by handcuffs that rendered his magic useless. Frustrated, he gripped the prison bars tightly, demanding access to a lawyer.

Theo gave him a weary look. "You'll have your lawyer soon, don't worry."

"You can't keep me here! There's nothing against me!" John protested.

Urchin, seated at the desk, produced a milky-white crystal that shimmered ominously. "We have your confession recorded."

John blinked in disbelief. "How?"

"Does it really matter?" Theo interjected. "Let's just say that the consequences of your actions have caught up with you." Theo fought the urge to disclose Ann's involvement in obtaining the confession. As Ann had warned them, such knowledge could shatter him completely.

Meanwhile, Ann had executed her role flawlessly. She had coerced John into talking, while Elajio utilized his Memory crystal to capture the confession. Positioned near the door with Urchin, Theo had anxiously awaited Ann's signal. When she uttered the predetermined code word, they swiftly swung the door open and apprehended John, albeit not without some resistance.

"Alright, what do you want?" John asked, desperation creeping into his voice. "Money? Just name your price, and we can settle this matter."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Theo responded. "I've already reported you to the Middle Lake Guardian House, and a team is on their way to apprehend you. You'll be taken there for further questioning. But don't worry, you'll be provided with a counselor and receive proper medical attention."

"Treatment? I'm not sick!"

"Of course you're not," Theo sighed. Clearly, John was in denial. But it was no longer Theo's concern. He wanted to return to Ann and assure her that she didn't need to worry any longer. This investigation was finally coming to an end, for real this time.

Theo nodded to Urchin, and they made their way towards the exit.

"You won't get her diamonds!" John shouted after them. "They're gone!"

They exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by John's cryptic statement. Urchin couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean? Did you steal the diamonds?"

John scoffed before deigning to respond. "They are long gone. For years, Greg had been selling them off one by one, replacing the real gems with convincing replicas."

"Why would he do that?"

John rolled his eyes. "Because he's an idiot. He sold them to fund his underground movement for gay rights. As if committing this crime could ever be justified." He spat on the floor of his cell in disgust. "A fucking abomination of nature!"

Theo's frown deepened. "You're the real abomination –"

"Don't," Urchin tugged at Theo's sleeve to halt his words. "He's just trying to provoke you. Let him stew in his anger."

"Fine," Theo replied, taking a deep breath as he locked eyes with John. "What you say doesn't matter. It was never about money, anyway. The only precious gem worth caring about is Ann. And you've caused her immense pain."

John's breathing quickened. "She will forgive me. I know she will."

"She will never see you again," Theo stated firmly before turning away. Urchin followed suit, walking alongside him.

As they strolled past the local library, one of Ann's favorite places, Theo couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for her. Her dedication to reading had provided a crucial breakthrough in solving this case.

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