#1 Confused

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Rengoku is very well known across the school. It was very understandable. He was optimistic, he was friendly, he was talkative, athletic, good looking. He was an all rounder. It was a no wonder why his locker was stuffed with chocolates and letters every valentines. He was the golden boy of the school.

But Rengoku can't seem to return the feelings back to them. No matter what he did. He tried getting into a relationship with some of them but he cant seem to find himself actually committing. Rengoku always apologised for it, to all of his previous lovers. And he felt even guiltier when all of them seem to just let him go.

And he still don't understand why. Where did he do wrong?

Is he not enough?

One rainy evening however, Rengoku got his feeling even more confused than before. It was stuck on his mind for quite a while.

"Do you have an umbrella?" Rengoku asked the raven haired boy who seemed to be staring off the distance. "You can use mine if you don't have one."

Both of them were the only one left at the entrance. Rengoku noticed how the shorter boy was standing there, as if he have something big in his mind.

"Oh. I dont need that." The raven haired speaks, slightly quieter. "I'll walk. I loved the rain anyways."

"Well, wont your books will be drenched?" Rengoku said pointing at the books that the raven is holding.

"It doesn't matter. This are not important anyways." The raven haired replied, shrugging "You are more important."

Did Rengoku heard that right?

"Sorry I'm what?" Rengoku asked in confirmation

"I'll be heading off" The raven said but before even manage to walk away, Rengoku pulled on his jacket.

"You'll take the umbrella" Rengoku said as he shoved the umbrella down the raven haired palm.

The raven haired stayed silent as he stared at the umbrella. Rengoku was a bit taken aback on how he was suddenly silent.

"Are you-" Rengoku was cut off.

"Let's share." The raven haired male said "I dont know you, so I can't return your umbrella back. Let's just share and walk to the bus stop"

"Ah..you don't mind?" Rengoku asked, his tone were soft.

"Why should I?" The raven haired popped the umbrella up and continued "Hurry."

They shared the umbrella and walked to the next bus stop. Both of them remained silent as only the sound of the raindrop hitting the transparent umbrella being their company.

As they step their foot on the bus stop pavement, the raven haired immediately close umbrella and give it to Rengoku.

"Stay safe until you got home." The raven haired male said eyes were glued on the ground, maybe he wasn't the type of an eye contact person. "Goodby-"

"Can I know your name?" Rengoku asked, cutting the raven haired mid sentence.

"Giyuu. Tomioka Giyuu." He introduced himself. "You?"

"Kyojuro Rengoku." Rengoku beamed brightly with his usual attitude "Nice meeting you."

"Ah..you should keep your smile Rengoku." Giyuu said, not even bothered the fact they just know each other "It suits you and maybe you can brighten up someone rainy day. Who knows?"

What? That sounds corny but if Rengoku was a girl, he would definitely giggling and twirling his hair right now.

Rengoku can feel his face heaten up. He was used to compliments but not that type of compliments. Really? Is he really that bright?
Rengoku tried to speak but he just can't seem to find words since he was a bit caught off guard.

"See you." Giyuu said, finally making an eye contact with Rengoku. His facial expression remained expressionless. With final wave, he runs through the rain.

His eyes were pretty. Rengoku felt his face even more heated up. What is that feeling? Envy? Jealous? Rengoku don't think he was jealous of Giyuu. Maybe he just liked his eyes.

Nothing serious.

Really. Nothing is that serious.

Rengoku was thinking about it for a whole 2 weeks. When he was in class, during training, and hell even at his own home.

Everyday, it was just a never ending thought of this guy called Giyuu. Is he that cool it got the golden boy thinking about him every single day?

The schooldays continued being the same. Nothing out of the ordinary. Rengoku's routine remained the same. He keep himself free from most drama and gossips. So nothing much to be bothered.


The sound of a loud metal sound was heard as Rengoku was on his way to his class. Rengoku then listens closely and followed the source of the sound. He remained silent, his footstep were quiet but he moved quickly.

Then he heard the muffled conversation of peoples. No. They were not ordinary people, they were the usual delinquents. The delinquents doesn't really mess with Rengoku since they knew Rengoku was a strong fighter. He got the medals and the trophies for what?

The more Rengoku listen closely, he finally can make out their voice one by one.

"Why are you not talking? We saw you on the bar. Were you trying to get old men up your ass?" Someone spoke, their voice were rather harsh

"Well just look at all of this legs? He's obviously emptying up their pockets. What a slut" A loud hitting noise were heard.

"I'm not..I've never been at the fucking bar." The voice replied, very calm before everything became silent.

This voice seemed familiar to Rengoku.

Aren't this..

Rengoku immediately barged in the toilet after he recognised the voice. Worried with the sudden silence, he didn't take any minds as he barged in the toilet.

It was Giyuu. But what surprised Rengoku is not Giyuu. Its what's around him.
Giyuu has beaten all of the delinquents. His fist were bloodied and he himself have blood dripping from his mouth. His lips were also bruised. There were also bloods on the wall, and on the floor.

But Giyuu doesn't seem to he bothered at all. He was crouching as he heard the bathroom door being opened.

Giyuu looked behind him, only to find the guy he saw when was it..? Two weeks? Three weeks ago?

"Oh." Is the only sound Giyuu managed to let out as he saw Rengoku standing there, his face were very worried. Opposite from Giyuu which looked very calm and unbothered.

Rengoku stood there, half relieved and half shocked. He never underestimated Giyuu, but he was shocked on how silent he take care of the delinquents. Not even a single shouts nor hitting noises.

"You can use the bathroom" Giyuu said to Rengoku standing up, as he went to the sink. Washing his hand then checking the inside of his mouth, blood dripped from it.

"Hey, does it hurt?" Rengoku said as he immediately went to Giyuu, looking around his face and scanning around his bruises.

"Well spotted." Giyuu said, his expressions empty. He continued spitting out the remains blood, and gargle on the tap water. Wiping off the excess blood from his hand and his chapped lips

"Sorry. Do you need the infirmary? I'll help you there" Rengoku said, a hint of concern is still on his voice. Hands is still kept to himself and he seriously don't know whether he should help Giyuu or not.

"No need. You take care of them." Giyuu throw a kind of look :(Rengoku don't know how to tell it, anger? Disgusted?) to the unconscious delinquents before stepping over them and walks away. Leaving Rengoku alone and still very confused.

'Holy shit?' Rengoku thought. He don't even know if he was in awe or was shocked. He was impressed to say the least.

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