#7 where's my mind

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Giyuu stopped visiting the dojo since then. it took Kyojuro a no time to notice Giyuu absence. Originally it was only 2 to 3 days of his absents. Then it became weeks, without any information at all. No contact, no calls. Kyojuro didn't see him at school either. HIs seat at his class continued to collect dust. Kyojuro always took the long route to the cafeteria during recess, hoping to at least saw the older at his class. Everyday, he took the same path, to his own class, to the cafeteria during recess and going back home. But Giyuu remained absent.

Kyojuro figured Giyuu just needed space. He has always been a reserved person. Maybe that's why he was absent. He do not want to bother Giyuu too much. So he didn't try to reach out anybody close to him to ask about Giyuu wherebeing. However, his concern grew to a level. where he started imagining the worst. Day after day. He couldn't help but think, 'what if Giyuu is kidnapped? What if he moved town? Why everyone is being too quiet about it?' When it finally reached a full one month of Giyuu absents, Kyojuro gather up the courage to actually try and contact him. Personal space? Is it even about personal space at the first place?

One day, during recess, Kyojuro noticed Shinobu sitting alone at the table she and her friend usually sit. It was unusual to see her alone, but he guessed that her friend's class are extended. Quickly, he took the chance to sit in front of her before the cafeteria are packed. Shinobu noticed Kyojuro who suddenly sat infront of her. Confusion washes over her face as she closed her book and shifted her attention towards him.

"Good weather today!" Kyojuro smiled, as he dig in through his meals. Acting as if nothing is happening.

"Yeah it was raining heavily that the school garden was flooded. Very good weather today!" Shinobu smiled, tone stayed in an awfully polite manner.

Kyojuro coughed slightly. Right. It was raining today. Why is he so stupid?

"stop beating around the bush and spit it out already." Shinobu said short, soon eating her meals too. "it's Giyuu is it?"

Kyojuro coughed even louder.

"You're a telepath. How did you know?" Kyojuro asked, still chewing on his food.

"Youre too easy to read." Shinobu non chalantly said. "so what is it? Advice on dating? He ignored you? He's sulking?"

For a mere second Kyojuro face flushed, coughing. "No- uhm..just wanted to asked about his wherebeing." He then paused "That's quite a drastic assumption you have there."

"He didn't tell you anything..?" Shinobu hesitated

"No." Kyojuro informed "Nothing at all."

"You have his number?" Shinobu asked again, shocked slwly formed on her face.

"Yes" Kyojuro admitted "but i think he blocked me."

"He blocked you?" Shinobu gasped "No wayy.."

Kyojuro pulled out his phone, scrolled through his contacts and showed shinobu the contact with no profile picture. His face reek with dissapointment.

"What should i do..?" Kyojuro asked sadly.

Shibou snatched his phone and looked at said contacts more closely. She examine all of it, until she pointed out something is wrong.

"You got one number wrong." she snorted, almost choking on her food.

Kyojuro snatched the phone back. Looking at the numbers while Shinobu took out hers. Scrolling through her contacts too, then compared it to the one Kyojuro have saved.

"Both of you are dumb dumb. You're dumber." Shinobu laughed.

Kyojuro slumped on his seat, realising he could've contacted Giyuu sooner if he's not such a clumpsy person. He palmed his face in embarassment. Mumbling curse words that's totally out of character of him.

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