Keep Calling

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*Nikki’s POV*


I woke up to my sister Brooke screaming and jumping on top of me, as much as I love her, I hate it when she interrupts my sleep. ‘Brooke, I’m sleepy! Give me 5 more minutes and I’ll get up, I swear I will get up.’ I replied sleepily, trying to speak clearly for her to understand. I closed my eyes and started to drift off but felt my bed covers being ripped off of me. A cold breeze against my skin, making me shiver woke me up instantly. ‘Hey! That’s not cool! Why are you being so cruel?’ I said pouting ‘Warped Tour is today and I don’t want to be late! We can’t miss Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Motionless In White or T.Mills!’ Brooke said in a really, REALLY high pitched squeal. I quickly scurried out of bed to get ready for Warped. Today I get to see all my favourite bands! I quickly ran to take a shower, pulling my clothes off on the way to the bathroom and throwing them on the floor. At this point I couldn’t care about cleaning the house, I had to look perfect for today so my main focus is to make myself look presentable since I will most likely be going to the bands signings. I finally got out of the shower and ran to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit.

I grabbed a pair of black high waisted denim shorts and my favourite KISS baseball tee. I hurried and put my clothes on and ran to the bathroom again to do my hair and make-up. I put on a little eyeliner and a little bit of mascara, then straightened my hair pin straight. After I was all done I ran downstairs to meet Brooke in the kitchen. I could smell the aroma of apple and cinnamon pancakes and it smelt delicious! ‘Mmm! That smells good brookie! Is it ready yet?’ I said rubbing my tummy and licking my lips, I really couldn’t wait till I shoved those pancakes in my mouth. ‘Yep! Here you go! Oh and you look awesome!’ she replied handing me a plate stacked with my favourite pancakes in the whole entire world. No one could ever make pancakes like Brooke. She is the master chef of the house. We spent about half an hour eating and talking about how amazing today is going to be. We finished up and headed to the door to put our shoes on. I grabbed my leopard print Vans and slid them on. Brooke and I got up, locked the door and got in the car. Brooke started up the engine and reversed out of the drive-way. We were both giggling the whole trip to Warped, talking about when we meet our favourite bands that we are going to shit bricks! Without all those bands, I wouldn’t be here right now.

After about 45 minutes we finally arrived. We had to park a couple of streets away and walk since we kinda thought we wouldn’t be able to get a spot anywhere closer. Warped tour was heaven for kids who adored music, and a place where we all come together and enjoy this day. Brooke and I walked through the gates and we instantly turned into little kids that came to their first theme park. We were that excited!

‘Okay Nikki! Pierce The Veil are playing a 12 and their signing is at 1:15, Sleeping With Sirens go on at 2, Motionless In White are playing at 3:30 and their signing is at 4:15, and last but not least T.Mills goes on at 5:30 and his signing is at 6:30. We might have to leave their sets a little early so we can line up at their tent and hopefully be first ones in line!’ Brooke squealed throwing her arms up in the air. I can tell you right now that my sister is a down right lunatic! ‘Alright! Sounds good to me!’ I replied smiling from ear to ear it was 11:45, we had 15 minutes till PTV were playing. So we ran to the stage to try and get a decent spot in the crowd. We got somewhat close to the stage, we were to the right of the stage. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was finally 12. By the time I looked up everyone was screaming and cheering as PTV took the stage. They started their set off with Hell Above, then it was Caraphernelia, Bulletproof Love, Bulls In The Bronx, The First Punch, She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty and Hold On Till May. It was coming to the last song when I looked over at Tony, who was staring at me. I immediately started wiping my face thinking that maybe I had dirt on my face or something, but I had nothing. Tony just smiled at me and started strumming his guitar. ‘This is our last song for today, this song is called King For A Day. Hey Kellin! Get your ass up on stage!’ Vic Fuentes screamed and within seconds Kellin Quinn came running up on stage and the crowd went wild! Brooke and I looked at each other and left quickly get to PTV’s tent for the signing. We finally got their and the line wasn’t bad at all. Their were a couple of people already lined up but we were pretty close to the front of the line. Brooke and I lined up waiting for PTV to arrive, I could feel my legs shaking. This is it. I get to meet my heroes!

‘Nikki! Look! Here comes Pierce The Veil!’ Brooke screamed, almost rupturing my ear drums. I looked up and started to feel even more nervous than before!

After 10 minutes of being in line we were finally at the front. We walked up to the table and said our hello’s. ‘Hey! You’re the girl I saw in the crowd. The one that got all paranoid and started wiping your face!’ Tony shouted with a smile on his face, for some reason he seemed a little excited about meeting me. ‘Yes, I am that girl.’ I laughed ‘My name is Nikki.’ ‘Oh, what a nice name! well I basically wanted to tell you that you’re pretty and I love your shirt.’ He giggled to himself. Was kinda cute. We left their tent just in time for Sleeping With Sirens.

We danced around for SWS whole set then waited for MIW to come on. We watched Motionless in White and met them at their tent. They were all so kind and kept complimenting my KISS shirt. I felt kind of star struck.

It was 5 and T.Mills set was in 30 minutes. Brooke and I decided to go get a bottle of water and head to T.Mills set.

We got right near the front, this time in the center. I am so excited that I have butterflies! This is going to be great!

T.Mills came running onto the stage and I couldn’t help but jump around like a moron. I will admit, I had a slight little crush on Travis. Something about him intrigued me.

He opened up with Scandalous then Purr Like A Cat, Diemonds, Couldn’t Do You, Busy Bitch, Stupid Boy and finished with Vans On.

Brooke and I ran to T.Mills signing tent to find we were going to be first in line. We literally skipped to our spot in line and bounced around for a couple minutes chanting ‘Warped Tour Rules’. We waited for about 30 minutes till Travis Mills arrived to the tent. He took a seat in front of us and looked up, our eyes met and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes till I finally looked away. I could feel him still staring at me. Was there something wrong with my face? Am I really ugly or something? Eeek!

We were called up to the table and we said our hello’s. ‘Hey, what’s your name?’ Travis looked at me, he was smiling at me and was waiting for me to answer. ‘Hey, my name is Nikki.’ I replied and smiled widely at him. ‘Oh yeah? Gorgeous name. Just like you.’ He said. I could feel my cheeks heating up. Did T.Mills just call me gorgeous? Wow. ‘Hey listen, there’s a little warped tour party going on tonight after all of this. You should come to that. I’d like to see you both there so we could hang out. Especially you Nikki.’ He said, once again giving me a wide smile. Before I could say anything Brooke answered for me, ‘Yeah! That sounds awesome. We’ll definitely be there!’ ‘Great! See you tonight ladies!’

We jogged out of the tent and out of Warped to our car. Did that really just happen or am I dreaming?

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