Prologue: Ekidaka

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Mari had thought nothing of it when she grabbed her RPG set and set off to join the guys. They had been throwing a small party for Wes's birthday, since they had just got back from Australia for Game On.

She already had the ideas for her character and the story. She was choosing to be the character Marin. (She knew it was a clever name, but she was trying to work on it.)

Marin was a half-human, half-elf boy that was raised by human parents. He was supposedly granted fire magic by an "Ember", but in reality, he was granted his powers by the previous Patriarch. He was delusional. He saw himself as an Ember whenever he was provoked. His mission was to find the new Patriarch so that he could find his half-brother, Melan.

She smirked at how amazingly awesome her idea was. How perfect was this character? She knew that she would have fun playing a delusional dude.

She wondered what Marin would look like. She pondered the idea on her way driving to Wes's apartment. She knew he was part elf, so he would be shorter than most average guys. He would have dark blue hair, because she could do that in a fantasy RPG. Marin would be pretty muscular, but not buff. Slender, with some muscles, kind of like Anthony only paler and with better abs. And blue hair. She smirked. Marin was pretty handsome, from the image she had in her head about him. Now that she mentioned it, her vision of Marin kind of reminded her of Sohinki.

Mari shuddered and tried to erase the thought from her head. She had to get through this one night without thinking about how she had been feeling recently for Sohinki. Just one night. Tonight was all about Wes, and she didn't want to fuck up his birthday party.

She just needed to get through the night without saying and/or doing anything stupid.

This was going to be harder than she thought.


When Mari finally got to the apartment, she looked and saw that the only two cars that she recognized here were Joven's and Wes's. Which meant that the others weren't here yet. She thanked God that Sohinki wasn't the only person there besides Wes. She practiced what she was going to say. She grabbed her RPG box set and her gift she had gotten Wes (she had bought most of it at Australia) and went inside.

Joven greeted her almost immediately at the door. She was grateful that Joven was so nice to her, although his niceness bordered more on creepy than kind. "Hey Mari!" he said happily, pulling her towards him for a small hug.

She hugged back. "Hi, Jovie. Where's Wes?" She readjusted her grip on the gifts and her box and looked around the room.

"We're keeping him hidden in the bathroom until everyone gets here. I'm trying to get some surprises ready."

Mari walked past Joven and sat down in the middle of the couch, setting her box down and then getting up to put her gift with Joven's on a separate table. From what she could see, Joven was getting really generic with the decorations. He did have some drawings from fans, mostly of just Wes, some of the entire crew. While the decoration was simplistic, she knew that Wes would probably like it. After all, he was pretty much a little kid at heart anyway.

"Ian and Anthony are coming together, and they said that they should be here within the next five minutes. Sohinki's getting cake, so he might take a while. Lasercorn is caught in traffic. FLitz I think just forgot," Joven told her.

Mari nodded in response. "Sounds like Wes is going to be cooped up in the bathroom for a while then. That gives me just enough time to set up for Ekidaka." She smirked and grabbed the box, pulling out eight character sheets-one already filled out, for her character, Marin.

Joven looked at her, confusedly. "What the hell is Ekidaka?" he asked, pronouncing the name of the RPG horribly wrong.

She sighed. "Ekidaka is like Dungeons and Dragons, only much better. It's freaking awesome. You'll love it."

Joven shook his head slightly and mumbled, "Okay..." He sat down on a chair close to the couch, looking at Mari's setup.

She handed him a character sheet. "Make a character. We're celebrating Wes's birthday with an EKIDAKA NIGHT!"


A/N: Hello everyone! My name is Bree, and this is the prologue of What May Happen, my first Wattpad fic! I hope you enjoyed this, and I look forward to making way more!

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