First Encounter

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Camila's Pov

Friday is not a day that I get most excited for like most people my age. I guess it's because most of my life consists of me going to school and I don't know what to do besides that. I don't know. No I'm not a loner, I have friends. Really good ones too! I just, don't have the same motives as everyone else when it comes to anything outside of school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally crazy about school anymore than the next person. All I'm saying is that if it were a choice between a party and school, I would easily pick school. Geez, I do sound like a loner. I don't get it though. Why do these crazy things that could risk how your future pans out? Why not just make your life more easy, by securing your future?

"Camila?" A voice bring me out of my thoughts. I look where the voice comes from and see one of my best friend, Dinah. The Polynesian girl has an expectant look, as if I knew what she'd said. "Yeah." I respond. She forms a small smirk and nods her head.
"Okay! So we'll come to your house around 8 and we can get ready together." She states excitedly.
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait-what?"I ask while I look for an explanation from the two other girls sitting at our lunch table, who are all sporting amused smiles.

Dinah sighs and playfully roles her eyes. "Tonight." She begins. "There's a party, and you have to go Chancho! Even if it means I have to drag you there." She threatens. I'm pretty sure she's serious too, but I still challenge her. "Well I guess you'll have to drag me." I say flatly. "Dinah, you know how I don't do parties."
"Yeah, but Mila you have to come. You have to do something a normal teenager would do at least once before the year is up." I hear Hailee join, putting emphasis on 'something'. I look to the pretty brunette and sigh softly.
"Guys, parties just don't appeal to me. How about we go and watch a movie or something?" I ask with what I hope to be a convincing smile.
"Yeah- no. Seriously Mila. You have to get this stuff out your system now. I promise you when you're older, you're going to regret not living while you could." Andrea joins and tries to convince. I look to the petite blonde. What is this, national attack Camila day? What if she's right though? When I'm older I'm sure I'll have no time for these small moments like now, just planning or thinking of a party. I mean yeah there will be some, but it just wouldn't be the same.

I bit my lip softly, in thought. I look around at everyone else and notice someone was missing. "Hey, where's Clare?" I ask. Clare is just as bad, if not worse than me when it comes to not doing anything remotely fun. "She's finishing a test." Dinah states simply. I raise an eyebrow in question.
"Really? How'd that happen?" I ask.
"Uh, I don't know. Something about a long night. I didn't really have time to ask about it." Dinah explains. I nod my head softly. I defiantly need to ask Clare about that.

"Um, alright. How about this? If Clare goes, I'll go." I sigh. Thinking that this would be a brilliant plan. What are the odds of Clare actually saying yes to going? NONE! But then I see Dinah's mischievous smirk, and I know I'm in trouble. "Well that's great, because I already asked and she said yes." She brags. "No way." I refuse to believe that. If this is true something is defiantly going on with Clare.
"Yes, way. I'm just as surprised as you. She didn't really take much convincing either." She tells me in thought. Andrea squeals. "This is gonna be so fun. We're gonna get you so wasted!"
I groan. Great, just what I need.


How did I end up here? I've always turned down parties and the one time I cleverly give in, it bites me in the ass. Seriously, what is the joy in this? All I smell is alcohol, weed, and sweat. Bodies pressed against one another, grinding incredibly close and wasted people slouching around is all I see.

I lean against the wall that has a view of just about every entrance, Dinah and Clare by my side. Haliee and Andrea went off with some guys to dance. One thing Dinah neglected to tell me was that this was a college party. I don't even know how she knew about it.
"Hey I'm gonna go and get some more drinks." Dinah spoke up and Clare straightened up almost instantly.
"I'm gonna go with you." I watch her curiously. That was weird. They walk off leaving me alone. Well this sucks.

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