Sexy Rebel?

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Camila's POV

It's now Monday and I haven't heard a word from Lauren. I've contemplated on just growing some and just texting her myself, which led me to find out that she saved her name as 'Sexy rebel😘', but I only chickened out.

Shouldn't she be the one to text first though? I mean, she did ask for my number first. What am I saying? Thats just a lame excuse as to why I haven't texted her yet. Well, I guess I have no reason other than just being too scared. What am I even scared for though? You don't get nervous to just text a friend, a female friend at that; if you're straight that is. Why does she make me question every thing? I barely know this girl and she's already stressing me out. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't heard from her.

I look to the clock on the wall; waiting for the bell to ring for lunch. So far, just twenty minutes left. I sigh and lean back into my chair, trying to focus on whatever my teacher is saying. "Hey." I hear Shawn whisper to me. He's sitting one seat across from me, so I was able to see him facing me with my peripheral vision. We talk occasionally, but that's mainly in this class or we'll say hello when we see one another. He's a cute guy; mocha hair, nice smile, plump lips.

When school first started I had a small crush on him, but after about three months he started dating Rachel. One of the bitchiest girls I have ever met, and I usually try to find the best out of everyone. I don't see how they ever dated, Shawn is the sweetest guy ever. I guess that's why they're not together anymore.

I look to him and give him a friendly smile, which he returns."What's up?" I respond. I notice he seemed kind of nervous, nothing too out of the ordinary since he is a shy kind of guy; again confused on the Rachel thing. "I saw you at that college party. Since when did you go to parties?" He teases. "I don't, I was forced." I deadpanned. He chuckles. "Should've known that would be the only way." I smile and hum. "You know me well." I say jokingly. He licks his lips shakes and his head softly. "Not nearly enough." He says while looking at me intently.

What did he mean by that? Before I could ask, Mr. Finley was telling us to stop talking. I give Shawn one last glance and then focused on the rest of the lesson. Not long after, the bell rings. When I exit from the class I feel a soft grab on my forearm. I turn to be faced with an even more nervous Shawn. "We've known each other since the beginning of the year, but don't have each others numbers." I quirk an eyebrow at his words. Is he trying to flirt with me? "So I was thinking we should change that." He continues with a small smile. Nothing ignorant about it, just sincere.

I look at him for awhile trying to read him. Why is he showing sudden interest in me now? I notice I haven't answered him and he averts his eyes from me. "I mean, if you wanted to- but...I'll just leave you alone now." He says hesitantly as he begins to slowly departure. "Wait. Of course you can have my number." He turns around with a smile and begins to take his phone out. I do the same and all I'm thinking is, please let this be some type of distraction from Lauren.


The rest of the day went by relatively quick. I was walking out of the schools front entrance with Clare. After the weird way she's been acting, I made up an excuse as to why I needed her alone. We go under a tree that's isolated from the crowd of teens.

"So why did you need me alone again, because I'm sure you don't need a ride. I mean I saw you get out of your car this morning." Clare asks curiously.
"What's going on Clare?" I asks softly. With all of the stuff going on with my mom I'm afraid of anymore hushed news. "What do you mean?" She asks, and If I didn't know her I would've thought she genuinely had no idea what I was talking about.

"Well, you've just been acting weird lately, but what really stood out that there was a problem was when I saw you with Alex. That guy is the biggest pot head around, not to mention you absolutely hate him. So what's up Cee, because I really can't take secrets right now." I still haven't been able to tell the girls about my mom. I just don't want anyone's pity, besides it's not like this is permanent. "Well what's wrong with you?" She deflects the question. I shrug. "I asked you first." I hum.

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