The Gods Smile

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So, Knox showed his true form, for since he had taken the blood of the Fugrah, he was no longer merely a man. He was the first of his kind, not just a changeling, who can change form at will, but he was a Lycan, half man, half wolf, blessed by the Gods to protect Eriu through this feat. Some said it was a curse, others thought him half God himself, for no mere mortal could take the heart of a Fugrah and survive to tell the tale.

And Knox and Tapa chased off the Dark Ones, away from his beloved Eriu, but they would return come night time. But what comes next in this tale? As an old God I do not know the past or the future, but I can tell you this, a closer bond than Knox and Eriu there has never been and never will be. They are twin-souls, one spirit in two bodies. They are destined for one another, and a destiny Eriu surely does have.

The Gods smile on the young Knox of the Bloom, for a more courageous heart in all the land there isn't.

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