Chapter 3

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Laney and Carrie dragged Other Lenny back to the lab and tied him to a chair, leaving him in the corner of the room.

Real Lenny was very freaked out by this new development, but Kim was working to get everything fixed.

Kon had left to go hang out with Konnie and tell her about everything while getting ice cream.

" got out of your loop today?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. Technically yesterday since were now in Lenny's loop, but...basically, yeah," Laney replied.

"Did you ever tell us, tell me?"

"...only Carrie, she came into my room first thing in the morning and at some point in the loop I ended up telling her."

She went on before he could say anything else. "It's not that I didn't tell you because I like Carrie more than you, you're my best friend forever. It was about keeping everyone safe because if I told you and you believed me, you'd want to help. The last time in that loop someone tried helping me..."

Best not to go over all the details of that particular loop.

But Corey nodded. "I get it, Lanes, and I believe you here and now."

She smiled and held her fist out. "So, we're good?"

He bumped his fist against hers and returned the smile. "We're good."

"And to be clear," Carrie piped up, "she said she only told me because I pushed."

"You did," Laney replied.

Meanwhile, Lenny was still freaking out because he had been murdered by someone who looked just like him.

And speaking of, Other Lenny was waking up.

The real one let out a shriek and quickly backed away, as far away as he could get.

Leaving his sister to step up to the other.

"Who the hell are you and why the fuck are you trying to kill my brother!?"

Right to the point of course, but who could blame her?

"I'm Lenny, another version of him from another timeline. And I'm trying to kill him so I can replace him, okay?"

Carrie asked the next question before Laney could. "What do you mean another timeline?"

"Every time the loop reset, another timeline was made to accommodate it. Timelines where...where Laney had died, where you and her had died, and in this case right here, where Lenny had died."

"Okay, new question: why are you trying to replace him?" Laney asked.

"I'm from another timeline where my sister's dead, you figure it out. It wouldn't have been the same, but it would've been better than back there."

"Well, you're going back, because the machine's ready and I'm powering it up," Kim announced.

He struggled to get out of his restraints. "No! Don't send me back! No!"

"This isn't the first time you've tried this, is it?" Carrie asked.

"Of course not! I've been stopped before, but please! I can't deal with this anymore, I can't!"

"Neither can I! Neither can he, my actual brother!" Laney snapped. "You can't think it's as easy as killing him over and over again and eventually taking his place!"

"Shut up! Turn that off!"

Lenny had questions that he couldn't bring himself to answer.

How would this alternate version of himself kill him over and over again if more timelines were created with each loop?

How could this thing jump through timelines and loops to do all this?

Could grief really be this bad that it drives you crazy enough to do this?

How many timelines were there that he lost Laney and even Carrie in?

These questions would not be answered.

"Now!" Kim yelled.

The machine was fully powered and it did its thing, whatever it was built for.

Another unanswered question to add to the list.

There was an explosion and a burst of light, sending everyone and everything flying back.

Hopefully it worked.

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