pt. 1 : description

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short curly hair. Pretty nose. brown eyes. all mine. i want to be with her for all eternity. her embrace, her caress, all i crave. i just want to be hers and only hers. i want her. sunsets on the beach, listening to music in the woods, cooking a 3am snack. all what i want. and so much more.
you're mine. the things i want to do with you. the things i want to do to you. i could rant for hours about your perfect imperfections. the way your eyelashes curl, the way you dance when you're happy when you eat food. your little smirks when you look at me. your honey colored hair tips. the way you move and the way you look curious and oh so bright. when you compliment me about everything. the way you actually care about me and ask if im okay, your funny little laugh.




She looks at me with curiosity. i look at her handsome eyes and smirk. She sits on my thighs and holds my jaw with her hand. She moves my neck ever so slightly and kisses me on my collarbone. i close my eyes and enjoy it. i have my hands on her hips and she moves with me. She kisses me with her soft lips and i hold the back of her neck and pull her hair away from her face with my free hand. she starts nodding her head slowly and smiles during our kisses. She touches my shoulder with her index finger and moves it down slowly, tracing my body and moves it down to my stomach and has both her hands on my hips on top of me.


i start to speak- she touches my lips with her finger, "shut up," she whispers while reaching to my bra clasp and cups my breast with her hand and gently caresses my nipple. She leans down, smiles and says, "you don't know how long i've been waiting for this."

i blush and moan softly while she pulls my pants down and stares in awe, "fuck, you're hot."

She french kisses me while cupping her hands on both my breasts.

"well get on with it already," i say, impatiently.

She slides my underwear down my thighs and off my calves. She leans down and starts licking my cl!t, sliding her index finger inside me with ease.

"you're already wet babes," i moan loudly and say, "fuck, babe keep going" i thrust my head back and goddamn it feels good.

"i want to do this again," she says, holding my hips down and swaying hers with me while licking me unanimously.

"Hell yes," I say. She looks me in the eyes and smiles. "that was amazing," she utters with her perfect voice. I get goosebumps. "fuck yeah," I respond with equal intent.

"Goddamnit she's hot," i thought. "You earned it," she said with intent. "you were a good girl hm?".


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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