Household Shenanigans 3

92 4 1

dw y'all im working on a oneshot, it'll be coming out soon :))

(well, that's if i manage to finish it)
judging by the title, I think you'll know what's going to happen in this chapter
if you don't, basically its just generated incorrect quotes <33

disclaimer: these quotes may be changed a slight bit


Kat: *Throwing stones at Alan's window*
Alan: You have a phone for a reason, Kat!


Ref: You're not my friend anymore.
Brian: I was your friend?


Shawn: Let's agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on Earth.
Tanner: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on Earth.


Caleb: Hey, aren't you Brian?
Brian: You a cop?
Caleb: No.
Brian: Then yes, I am.


Kat: Why are you drinking?
Alex: I drink when I'm depressed.
Kat: But you're always drinking?
Alex: *Smug but sad grin*


Alan: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat?
Kat: I don't eat with losers.
Alan: Neither do I but I asked you, didn't I?


Caleb: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.
Tanner, eyes wide: I know what I saw.


Alex: If I didn't know better, Tanner, I'd say you're scared.
Tanner: Heh, scared?
*Absolute silence*


Brian: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
Caleb: It's called arson and those people are called witnesses.


Alan: Are you tall enough to play basketball though?
Shawn: Are you calling me short?
Alan: I'm calling you vertically challenged.


uh that's it i guess 👍🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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