Pandemonica x GN

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(y/n) pov:

I had just gotten myself ready for the date. Pandemonica has finally gotten off of her work duties for now. She did some work this morning, but I gave her coffee to help. Today, we are just going for a coffee date at one of Pandemonica's favorite cafes. I went to check on her. She looked like she was just putting away some stuff. 

Pandemonica: I'm almost ready (y/n). Oh, and thanks for the good coffee earlier. 

(y/n): you're welcome. I am thankful you track the finances in this house. It does mean a lot to me.

She gave me a small smile. After a few minutes, we started walking to the cafe. She didn't know which one it was till we made it.

Pandemonica: oh, this one?

(y/n): I know it's your favorite. I will pay for it. I know it's more expensive than usual, but you work hard and deserve it. 

She gave another smile at me. We took our seats inside, and we began to order our coffee.

Cafe worker: can I get your order?

(y/n): I would like a cup of (c/n) and a cookie

Pandemonica: I would like your today's special coffee

Cafe worker: I'll be back with your orders

They went away. Me and Pandemonica began to talk about stuff

(y/n): is there anything new with work?

Pandemonica: same old except some employees like me getting a little more time off

(y/n): that's good to hear

Pandemonica: anything with your job?

(y/n): I might be getting a bonus soon for helping make a successful project for the business. I hope with the extra money and time off, we can do more things together like this.

Pandemonica: I think I would like that

Cafe worker: here are your orders. One (c/n), cookie, and special. 

(y/n): thank you

We began to drink our coffee. Pandemonica is getting more on her sadistic side, but it's different when she is happy. She is becoming more gentle and a bit protective. 

Pandemonica: you think the worker might try to make a move on you? If they do, then be sure they will regret it.

(y/n): please don't do that. I don't want us to get in trouble and would just reject their advances. But I appreciate you trying to look out for me. It's kind of cute when you try to do that.

She gave me a little blush. 


We eventually left the cafe. We went back home. We just decided to relax and watch a movie with some popcorn. I was surprised that Pandemonica lasted the whole movie. 

(y/n): that was a good movie

Pandemonica: I thought it was too. 

(y/n): how did you think our date went?

Pandemonica yawned before answering.

Pandemonica: I thought it was great. Thank you for that. 

(y/n): your welcome, and do you want to do this again on your next day off?

Pandemonica: yes...

We went to bed and cuddled together. It was a great date with Pandmeonica.

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