His mask (SMUT)

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"Don't touch." König practically growls, holding Her wrist. Y/N touched his hood, trying to get it off of her face. His gloved fingers squeezing her wrist tightly. "If you try that one more time, I'll break your fingers." She tried to pull her wrist out of his hand and squeeze even tighter. "Do you understand? Tell me you understand." He says looking at her. His pupils dilating slowly.

"Yea yea whatever." Y/N said annoyed
"Какого черта ты вообще прячешься здесь?" She loved speaking the language of her home country especially because she knew  no one else was Russian, So she could shit talk all she wanted and no one understood what she said "What if i took my mask off?" Y/N said super eager to see what was under his mask

"...Нет!" König growls and lets go of Her wrist. His gaze turns even colder, eyes staring at her. "You will *never* take off my hood. Never. Understood?" The German accent is strong as always but his tone is flat almost as if it pained him to be speaking.

Y/N was taking aback. "You.. You speak Russian?" She said with a mixture of shock and nervousness in her voice

"Why shouldn't I?" König asks in a defensive tone, his accent slipping a bit. "It was my mother's language." He crosses his arms over his chest. "And you'd be wise to stay away from my hood."

"So every thing ive said talking shit about people you've heard? I THOUGHT NO ONE ELSE SPOKE IT?"
Y/N was slightly panicking but hiding it well from her mask "БЛЯДЬ, БЛЯДЬ" Y/N whispered under her breath

"You thought wrong," König remarks, looking at her up and down. He was used to being teased. "Your Russian needs some work though," he adds. "And you should be aware that I heard everything you said."

"What do you mean my russian needs work i grew up in russia" Y/N said with a confused look

König looks at her incredulously, his gaze turning to one of confusion. "And you speak like that?" The confusion shifts to annoyance. "You talk like a street brat." He huffs in frustration, the coldness in his gaze turning to ice.

"When we go back to the base and start training im gonna beat the shit out if you" Y/N said with a flirty yet serious tone

"Over my dead body, You could never beat tge shit out of me," König says with his signature sternness. His gaze moves to the side, trying to hide his surprise at her last words. When his gaze returns to her, a slight grin is forming on his lips. "Why wait until we return to base?" he asks suggestively.

"You wanna fight right here right now?" Y/N said slightly amused by König's tone

"If it'll shut you up once and for all, then yes," König says confidently. "I have no problem with beating you into shape." He flexes his arms, trying to show off how much more bulk and muscle he has than her. But Y/N didn't really care.

Y/N popped her knuckles and popped her neck
"come on then lets go" Not exactly expecting König to fight back.

While König stares at her with a raised eyebrow, he seems to be assessing the situation before looking back at her and stepping forward. "Bring it on then." His gloved hands are clenched in fists at his sides, clearly ready to brawl. Y/N was taken aback but was totally ready.

Y/N goes to swing but she gets blocked by König and she takes her other hand and punches him in the gut with her other hand. König's eyes widen as the air blows out of his lungs, causing him to stagger back as he tries to catch his breath. "Not bad," he says, catching his breath and cracking a smile under his mask. "I didn't know you were such a scrapper. I like that."

"Ты много чего не знаешь обо мне" Y/N said when she somehow got behind König's legs and kicked the back of his knees causing him to fall the the ground. She held her knee on his neck and held his hands behind his back
"I might be small but there a reason im on this team"

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