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"..Are you certain?", a low voice questioned in the middle of s grand chamber.

"Yes,your highness. Lady Qingge will enter the palace together with the other concubines."

Yaozu's hands started shaking slightly after hearing the name that he forgot.
He knew that all peacefulness will end now that his cousin will enter the palace.

"Your Highness..", Meihui called in a soft voice to her master as she knelt beside him.

She knew that Lady Qingge was a sly girl.
She always had a cruel speech when she was alone with people she didn't like and this made Master and Madam Xiao find excuses to not let that two-faced girl enter the mansion.

"Come, sit beside me.", Yaozu smiled gently at the young girl.
Even though, he couldn't act openly towards Meihui. She was dear to him.

The Gugu took her to sit beside her master hesitantly.
She knew that as cold as her master seemed, his love language was physical touch.

Meihui grabbed the soft hand of her master and held it tightly, trying to ease his worries.
In exchange, Yazou smiled tiredly at her. Seemingly tired of the suffering he endured yesterday.

"Don't worry, your highness.Everything will be fine.-"

Meihui's speech was interrupted by the head eunuch.

"Your Highness, I came to announce the emperor's decree."

At hearing the head eunuch's statement, the master and servant duo looked at each other before kneeling to receive the emperor's will.

"Xiao Yazou portrayed the perfect image of an emperor's consort. Always acting with dignity and virtue and sensibility never leaving his character, thus I promote Consort Xiao to Noble Consort Yi and have him move to the palace of Heavenly Grace. Accept the decree."

Yaozu still in shock, slowly extended his arms to get the decree.

"I accept his majesty's will."

"It seems the  palace of Heavenly Grace is bigger than the palace of eternal harmony, your highness."
Meihui stated as she entered the grand chambers, after finishing moving everything in.

"Yes, it also seems it's been thoroughly cleaned too.."
Yaozu was confused by the promotion but not very much by the change of palace.
Her cousin resides in the palace of eternal harmony in his last life too.
However, he didn't reside in this large palace but in the palace of prolonging happiness.

The Palace of prolonging happiness is big too but it's not as well-maintained and beautiful as the Palace of Heavenly Grace.

"I wonder why his majesty made this decision after not even visiting your highness.."
Meihui was looking around every corner, excited about the dimension of the palace.

"I wonder so too...Anyway, Meihui when is the food served?"
Yaozu took his seat in the new comfortable chair and drank some fresh tea.

"Very soon, your highness, would your Highness like to have a snack?"
Meihui walked towards her master, who was slowly drinking tea.
She had been worried about her master's diet. He barely ate anymore and will drink tea all day,thing that kept him healthy.

"No, it's not necessary-"

"His majesty, the emperor has arrived."

The two were surprised by his sudden presence.
Why did the emperor come anyway?

"Greetings, your majesty."
The two knelt before the heavens son.

"You may rise."
The emperor took his seat elegantly as the two got back to their feet.

"Would your majesty like some fresh tea or a snack?"
Yaozu questioned politely the emperor, still quite confused by all of this.

"Fresh tea will do."
Yaozu nodded as Meihui took the tray with tea and left the chamber to get fresh tea.

True to be told, Meihui was a little anxious to leave her master with the emperor. The situation is quite odd.

The emperor showed towards the seat beside him for noble consort Yi to take, which Yaozu took it gladly.

"Is your majesty here to inform me of my cousin, Qingge?"
Yaozu made eye contact with the emperor while giving a forced smile.

"Yes, but it seems you already know."
The emperor seemed to be slightly bothered by Yaozu's knowledge.

"It's not just me, your majesty.The whole palace is aware of it, however, I'm curious what rank did your majesty bestow upon her?"
Yaozu didn't want history to repeat itself. He had to do something.

"Why is noble consort so curious about the rank of one of my concubine?", the emperor looked coldly at the male consort.

"Because I'm worried. Qingge isn't what she seems to be, your majesty."
Yaozu smiled at the emperor, seeing the frowned between his eyebrows.

"Zhen investigated her past and from what I know you stopped seeing her when you were 10 years old. How do you know her character so well?"
The emperor raised an eyebrow at the noble consort.

"Why does his majesty think I lost all contact with Qingge? Perhaps your majesty should see for yourself."
Yaozu smiled mockingly at the doubtful emperor.

"Noble consort Yi, I would not have one of my concubines disrespect me."
The emperor stood up from his seat and walked towards Yaozu.

Emperor Yongzheng didn't like the way Yaozu acted toward him at all. He acted like the emperor was someone unworthy of respect.

"Yes, your majesty..", Yaozu looked away, not wanting to lose his composure in front of the husband he loathed.

"It seems you're still not wearing earrings noble consort, Yi."
The emperor touched the poor earlobes, which made Yaozu hiss in pain.

"I almost forgot, I have finished your schedule."

Yaozu's eyes widen and he gulped after hearing the statement.

"Oh, is that so?"

The emperor smirked at the male consort before him.

"Today is one of our days together."

Yaozu didn't acknowledge the emperor's statement this time, which angered emperor Yongzheng.

"Are you unwilling to spend the night with Zhen?"

Yaozu finally made eye contact again with the emperor.

"Why would I be willing to spend the night with the husband I saw for the first time?"

The emperor became silent for a moment, knowing Yaozu has the right to be upset.

"Well, it's true I've been distant. I understand you don't want to consummate our marriage but I should spend the night in this palace."

Yaozu didn't argue, because it is to his advantage, after all.Until he finds the right moment to request a divorce.

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